Winnowing Fork

winnowing fork or shovel

A winnowing-shovel or winnowing-fork were used to throw grains of wheat or barley up against the wind to cleanse them from the chaff and broken straw. A winnowing fan can also be a flat-shaped basket that is shaken to bring the chaff to the top of the grain. The chaff is then discarded, leaving the clean grain.

to fan = to scatter; to toss about; winnow

“Winnowing Fork”
Length: 1 minute

Hebrew: מִזְרֶה —transliteration: mizreh —meaning: winnowing-fork, winnowing-shovel

And I will winnow [zarah] them with a winnowing fork [mizreh]… —Jeremiah 15:7 excerpt

…winnowed with the shovel [rachath] and with the fan [mizreh] —Isa. 30:24 KJV excerpt


…winnowed with shovel [rachath] and fork [mizreh] —Isa. 30:24 NASB excerpt

Greek: πτύον —transliteration: ptuon —meaning: winnowing-fork, fan; wooden pitchfork; winnowing-shovel

His winnowing fork [ptuon] is in His hand… —Matt. 3:12 excerpt

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Article Version: January 28, 2025