Iraq and the Bible
The name “Iraq” does not appear in the Bible. However, more ancient names for this place, its cities and people do appear.
READ: What is the significance of Iraq in the Bible?
More information
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- What is Calah?
- What is Nimrud?
- Who is Nimrod? Was he godly or evil?
- What is the Euphrates River of Mesopotamia?
- Abram and was born in what is now Iraq
- What is Ur in the Bible?
- Who is Abraham? and what is his significance?
- Reputed Tomb of Ezekiel in Iraq
- What is Sepharvaim? (aka Sephar-vaim, Sippara)
- Who is Sargon who once conquered in ancient Iraq?
- What is the land of Shinar?
- Elam, the land/empire
- About idolatry and false gods in the Bible
- About idols in the Bible
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- Who is Xerxes I?
- Who is Ahasuerus?
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- What is the Book of Esther?
- Lions of Babylon (Iraq)
- City and region of Asshur (aka Assur)
- Syriac Aramaic language use in ancient Iraq
- What is the Tower of Babel? and what is known about it?
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- What is the confusion of languages at Babel?
- Confusion of Languages—Is there any reference in early Mesopotamian literature to what happened at the Tower of Babel?
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- Lentils, grown in Iraq
- Asphalt/bitumen (pitch) springs of Hit, Iraq
- City of Cuthah (Tell Ibrahim, Iraq)
- Erech (Uruk, Warka, Iraq)—What is it?
- Baghdad
Learn about Bible archaeology
- Sutean language of the Suteans, a nomadic Semitic people who lived throughout the Levant, Canaan and Mesopotamia, specifically in an ancient region called Suhum, now located in modern Iraq and Syria
- Baghdad
Article Version: February 14, 2025