also known as: Magdalen
Meaning: Of Magdala (a town in Galilee)—her home or birthplace; a surname derived from Magdala
This surname was given to one of the Marys of the Gospels to distinguish her from the other Marys (Matthew 27:56, 61; 28:1, etc.). A mistaken notion has prevailed that this Mary was a woman of bad character, that she was the woman who is emphatically called “a sinner” (Luke 7:36-50).
Mary Magdalene, i.e., Mary of Magdala, a town on the western shore of the Lake of Tiberias. She is for the first time noticed in Luke 8:3 as one of the women who “ministered to Christ of their substance.” Their motive was that of gratitude for deliverances he had wrought for them.
Out of Mary were cast 7 demons. Gratitude to her great Deliverer prompted her to become his follower.
These women accompanied him also on his last journey to Jerusalem (Matthew 27:55; Mark 15:41; Luke 23:55). They stood near the cross. There Mary remained till all was over, and the body was taken down and laid in Joseph's tomb.
Again, in the earliest dawn of the first day of the week she, with Salome and Mary the mother of James (Matthew 28:1; Mark 16:2), came to the sepulchre [tomb], bringing with them sweet spices, that they might anoint the body of Jesus. They found the sepulchre empty, but saw the “vision of angels” (Matthew 28:5). She hastens to tell Peter and John, who were probably living together at this time (John 20:1-2), and again immediately returns to the sepulchre. There she lingers thoughtfully, weeping at the door of the tomb. The risen Lord appears to her, but at first she knows him not. His utterance of her name “Mary” recalls her to consciousness, and she utters the joyful, reverent cry, “Rabboni.” She would fain cling to him, but he forbids her, saying, “Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father.” This is the last record regarding Mary of Magdala, who now returned to Jerusalem.
More information
- Mary
- Magdala
- Resurrection Sunday
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