What is…
Meaning: new city
This was the name of 2 ancient biblical cities.
Neapolis of Samaria
also known as: Flavia Neapolis
It was given this name by the Roman Emperor Vespasian (Titus Flavius Vespasianus) who besieged and destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD during the Jewish rebellion. Previously, it was known as Shechem. Today, it is Nablus.
Site of ancient Neapolis of Samaria, now modern Nablus, Israel (West Bank)—satellite view -
Neapolis of Thrace, a seaport
also known as: Kavala, Kavalla, and Cavala
Here, the Apostle Paul first landed in Europe.
Therefore, sailing from Troas, we ran a straight course to Samothrace, and the next day came to Neapolis… —Acts 16:11 ESV
It was the seaport of the city of Philippi, which was about 10 miles inland.
From this port Paul embarked on his last journey to Jerusalem (Acts 20:6).
Today, it is the modern Greek city of Kavala (Kavalla).
Site of Neapolis of Thrace, now modern Kavala—satellite view
Article Version: September 18, 2019