What is a…
In the Bible, this word is used to refer to…
the tabernacle (Exodus 25:8; Leviticus 12:4; 21:12)
the holy place, the place of the Presence (Greek: hieron, the temple-house; not the naos, which is the temple area, with its courts and porches), Leviticus 4:6; Ephesians 2:21, Revised King James Version, marginal note
the Holy Land (Exodus 15:17; compare Psalm 114:2)
In the final state, there is properly “no sanctuary” (Rev. 21:22), for God and the Lamb “are the sanctuary” (Revised King James Version, “temple”). All is there hallowed by the Divine Presence; all is sancturary.
More information
- What is the Holy Tabernacle? and what is its significance?
- What are the temples mentioned in the Bible?
- What is the Holy Place?
- What is holiness?
- What is the habitation of God?
- Heaven
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Article Version: August 12, 2024