Below, read some of the many encouraging reports received from those who have benefited from our films and books. Also see, reports from our Web visitors.
A prison chaplain wrote,
“One of the inmates that signed up for the (Bible) studies was an ex-teacher from a local high school. …He had expressed an interest in the religious aspect of our programs, on the advice of his attorney. (Those attending programs have it noted on their court survey information.) He was very defensive during the first 2 week studies and somewhat argumentative, but generally disapproving whenever the Deity of Jesus or other central themes of the Gospel were introduced.
The week I announced that we would be showing your film on evolution, I could see that he was eager to be in familiar territory, and was first in line to find a seat. After the showing, I noticed a different side to him. Somber and taciturn. One of the other inmates said that he mentioned that he ‘didn't know some of this stuff,’ during the tape. Two weeks later, in a private counseling session, he asked me to help him give his life to the Lord.
His case was resolved with a hung jury and plea bargaining for time served and was nearly as good as being found innocent. His last day in jail, he thanked me for helping him to see the truth, that he would never have found Christ on the street.
I asked him if Evolution was a part of his resistance to being saved, and he said,
‘How can you accept the need for a Savior, when you can’t believe in Evolutionism and God at the same time? Without God, sin is a false concept, and without sin, who needs to be saved?’”
Excitement and light brought into numerous public school classrooms
As everyone knows, information supporting the existence of God is rarely found in public schools today. Through the financial support of friends, we supplied teachers across the U.S. with copies of our Creation-Science films, absolutely free of charge. Some teachers had such good results with the public school version of our “ORIGINS: How the World Came to Be” series that they showed it annually as a regular part of their curriculum.
Some teachers are bold enough to go further. For example, one teacher specifically asked for our films that reveal the Gospel message - unedited. This year, over 60 students in his school were presented with the Gospel. He reports:
“Every time these films are shown, there is at least a handful (of students) deeply touched and affected by the Gospel. I am thankful for the so-far open door and pray that it will continue to be open. Some have tried to shut (that door)—it very nearly got shut this year. So far, so good. It is a pleasure working with you.”
Please pray for this teacher and others like him who so boldly share the truth of our Creator. (If you know of any public or secular school teachers who would like information about our rental program, please have them contact us.
The Philippines
A missionary reported: “Your film has been marvelously used in making people decide for Jesus Christ… We conducted our showing inside a market place where we were surrounded with drinking and gambling people. Many looked tough and rough. After the showing we had special music, a ten minute message and extended an invitation. To our amazement, more than thirty people came forward unhesitatingly…”
Removing A Stumbling Stone In China
If you knew that just one issue stood in the way of your neighbor embracing Jesus Christ, what lengths would you go to tear down that barrier? What if you discovered an extremely effective way to do it? Some of the missions organizations we supply films to have found that for many Chinese, Evolutionism proves to be such an issue. And they have found our Creation/Evolution videos especially effective in confronting it head-on.
aAleader of one of these organizations told us,
“Many from China who had resisted the message of the Gospel have made immediate decisions for Christ after watching our ORIGINS Series.”
These dynamic programs are at work in Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China winning people to Christ as they present scientific evidence supporting the Bible. Evidence against Evolutionism has long been withheld from these people—for the theory of Evolution is foundational to Communism and the state religion, Atheism.
Our programs reveal the truth and open people’s hearts and minds to Christ. New converts have been known to invite family, friends and neighbors into their homes to view these enlightening videos, multiplying the audience!
For our brothers and sisters on the “front line” in mainland China, this has been a daring, yet rewarding, ministry. Because of them, it is relatively easier for the rest of us to help reach our Chinese neighbors. Past support has made it possible to translate these films into Cantonese and Mandarin, make a limited number of video duplicates, and send these by couriers into mainland China to be duplicated and distributed.
Czech Republic
Picture the dramatic scene that unfolded around our films in the Czech Republic (formerly part of communist Czechoslovakia). A couple of energetic Czech Christians were determined to bring the truth about Creation to their nation—to counteract years of Communist, Atheistic training. The area Czech TV network officials thought our newly translated films were great and agreed to air them! Even the old-guard governing body in Prague reluctantly granted permission.
The broadcasts began, with each program being repeated 3 times. Large numbers of letters began to pour in, asking for more information and literature. Parents enthusiastically thanked us for counteracting their children’s materialistic worldview.
At the same time, some powerful pro-Evolution professors sent letters of complaint to the governing board. They demanded,
“What is this program you are broadcasting? For 40 years we are teaching Evolution and now you are casting doubt on what we have taught. Our pupils are asking, ‘What should we believe now?’”
However, the Czech secular TV journal Televise commented very positively, saying,
“The series “ORIGINS” was worth broadcasting… It was a very long period indeed when we were ordered what we may think and what we may know. Our official scientific front in the period of Socialism accepted just one way for every line of research—Atheism.”
A university professor of genetics wrote,
“I was fascinated by… ORIGINS… I congratulate you on introducing such really beautiful and instructional films. After the long period of stupefying Atheistic propaganda and materialistic concept of the world…I am very glad that at last such films are presented to our public.”
But, due to the Evolutionists’ wrath, the TV authorities in Prague required a televised panel discussion to publicly disapprove of the programs. The panel went to great lengths to mar the impact of the programs, but to little avail. The enthusiastic flood of letters in response to the series continued.
Despite the efforts of Atheists, millions of people in Czech now knew of the major scientific and philosophical problems with Atheistic Evolutionism. Christianity was viewed with greater respect!
Report from Bolivia
A missionary in Santa Cruz, Bolivia reported:
“We appreciate the use of The Silver Belt. We have some other children's films, but this is the best for the Bolivian children. Thanks so much for making it available to us.”
We provided thousands of free copies of our Christian videos and books to very influential leaders in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Hundreds of millions were reached through ongoing television broadcasts of our films.
To Russia, With Love—The Story The Media Missed
"Our youth need to know about God," a Russian teacher said recently. A number of Russian officials have come to the conclusion that Christianity can do a better job than the State in creating the moral “new person” sought by Communism's architects. The fall of atheistic Communism in the Soviet Union left many of its citizens hungry for answers to life's basic questions, "Who am I?" and "Where did I come from?" For 70 years, young people had been taught only atheistic evolutionism. It was taught aggressively, dogmatically, and unrelentingly. Christianity was ridiculed and mocked.
Major obstacles were miraculously overcome in our attempts to provide former Communists with strong, easy-to-understand scientific evidence against Atheistic Evolutionism and in support of Genesis! It was all God’s doing. The Lord opened doors far beyond what we ever expected, or even hoped for.
Breakthrough #1
First films in the Russian language that provided clear evidence against Evolutionism
In record-breaking time, 8 of our best Creation films were translated into the main language of Russia for video distribution. This large task began just before the fall of the Berlin Wall and was sped in response to rapidly opening Soviet borders. To our knowledge, these were the first Creation videos ever available in the USSR. They included our entire ORIGINS series, The World That Perished, and The Great Dinosaur Mystery. Videos are being passed out free of charge to Christian pastors and lay-leaders.
Breakthrough #2
First television broadcast
As the Soviet republics of Latvia and Estonia seceded, 2 our films were shown on their national television. This marked the first time in history that Creationist films had been shown on TV in a former Soviet republic!
Breakthrough #3
Repeated nationwide telecasts in Russia
An even more amazing contract was later signed with Russian television officials allowing our agent to telecast each of these 8 Creation films nationwide. So impressed with the quality were Leningrad TV officials that they volunteered to include a total of 25 Soviet TV networks throughout the nation! The potential audience was 70 million Soviets. The transmission areas included Soviet Armenia, White Russia, Ukraine, the Northwest and Far East, Siberia, Azerbaijan, and Leningrad (Russia's 2nd largest city). Further wide telecasts were subsequently made repeatedly throughout Russia, as recently as the summer of 1995.
Breakthrough #4
Primetime audiences provided
Acclaiming the subject matter of our motion pictures as “hot material,” TV officials in the major city of Leningrad surprised us by agreeing to our request for primetime showings there, rather than relegating them to some undesirable time slot. For decades, Soviet Christians gazed at the monolithic television broadcast antennas in their cities and prayed that these tools of the Communist state would stop polluting people's minds with atheism and anti-Christian lies. If only they could tell people the truth about God.
Their prayers were answered! The history-making telecast of 7 of our motion pictures to millions of viewers in the former USSR resulted in many thousands of inquiries from viewers.
After watching a program, a couple in Eroshenko wrote: "We watched it, listened, prayed and cried. May God save you, dear people—this program must be broadcast as often as possible…so that people can finally know. God's punishment has touched us. We must ask forgiveness from Jesus Christ." From Chutarova another wrote: "I used to be an atheist, but now…the Lord is with me forever and I am happy…Thanks for your help. Thanks for being concerned about us. We have very few believers. Everyone is an atheist. And it is very hard to find out anything about the Lord."
Breakthrough #5
Secular scientists became open to Creation science
Later, in the presence of our staff member Dale Mason, various powerful Soviet scientists privately made an amazing confession. They acknowledged that the Creationists’ major criticisms of evolutionary theory are correct! Various Russian scientists have become Christians and are now speaking out openly in favor of defense of the Bible in Russia.
Breakthrough #6
Creation evidences in Russian public schools
Our productions began reaching into the very incubators of Atheism in Russia—the public school system. Educators and administrators in numerous Russian school districts expressed interest in supplying facts against Evolutionism in their classrooms! And we helped them do it. What an amazing turn of events! An increasing number of teachers now have freedom to correct past injustices. But they lacked knowledge of the facts against Evolution and for Creation.
With tears, one woman said,
“For 20 years I have taught my students there is no God. How can I suddenly change my position?”
To help educate these teachers quickly and effectively, we placed numerous sets of videos (8 programs in each set) in schools, institutes and outlying school districts all over the former Soviet Union. The first set of videos was presented in person to the head of public education in Moscow, the equivalent to America’s Secretary of Education. Other sets were presented to heads of various key Russian school districts and to their top educators in charge of designing curriculum and writing new textbooks. These important tools were received with enthusiasm!
We sent many videos to the former Soviet Union nations. This was often done through people who were visiting these nations for short term ministry. We were delighted to receive accounts such as this…
An American missionary couple were living and working in a small village that was built around an agricultural institute in the country of Kazakhstan. They were delighted to discover a true believer living in the largely Muslim village who was teaching at the Institute. Igor was a man of Russian descent, a research biochemist, and he had in his possession our set of videos containing our 8 films translated into Russian. He also had a copy (in English) of our Illustrated Origins Answer Book.
The missionary couple started a local Bible study, but soon after, had to leave Kazakhstan. Fortunately, Igor became convinced God wanted him to continue teaching the people about God the Creator/Savior. The couple wrote us,
“It was wonderful to find a man of his training so thoroughly convinced that the Biblical account of Creation is the truth. Your materials had answered so many questions that had plagued him in his atheistic, Darwinian training. Thank you for your work, and thank you that you made these materials available free to men like Igor.”
News from Uzbekistan
We received an urgent Internet e-mail message from a missionary in Uzbekistan (former Soviet Union). He pleaded for sets of our Russian-language Creation-evidence videos for use in the city of Tashkent and surrounding areas. Most of his work was among Muslim Turks who have been indoctrinated in Atheism and Evolutionism their entire lives. As a result, Evolution is a tremendous stumbling block to trusting in the reliability of the Bible.
Of course, we sent the videos, free of charge. Later, we received an e-mail from the same missionary reporting on the TREMENDOUS RESPONSE to our films, which he was showing along with the “Jesus” film.
“I recently had the videos shown in one cable TV district here [reaching tens of thousands of viewers]. The man in charge was so impressed that he asked if he could submit them to be shown on national TV [which we readily agreed to].”
We praise the Lord for the many reports of changed lives and conversions to Christ we received through the yearw from the nation of Australia where only about 2% of the people ever attend church. One of the largest users of our films in Australia was Answers in Genesis which made numerous public showings throughout the nation and some television broadcasts—touching many lives.
A College Student
For example, in Toomwoomba a young college student became a Christian through a process that began in high school where his biology teacher showed him one of our “ORIGINS: How the World Came to Be” films. The student said this was the first step in breaking down his resistance to Jesus Christ. He is now heaven-bound and very grateful for this ministry.
Australian Miners
“It worked!” wrote Frank, a big burly man working at an Australian mining site.
“It's the first thing that has broken through to the other men. I have been trying to witness to the men at the mine for a long time, but they would always bring up fossils and Evolution and millions of years. But your film got through to them. Some stayed for almost four hours after the film to discuss Christianity and two of them are at the point of commitment!”
What had this big man from the mine fields done? He used our production, “The Fossil Record,” that ends with a tremendous challenge concerning the Gospel. Since the showing, he has had opportunity after opportunity to witness to his co-workers who were constructing the largest dragline in the southern hemisphere.
More than twice as many miners came out to see “The Fossil Record” than had turned out for any other film in the area, even their favorite Rambo movie.
Before this, Frank had almost given up in frustration at their apathy and indifference. Frank went on to show our award-winning film, The World That Perished”—helping these hardened miners who live with rocks to better understand the Biblical Flood’s role in depositing and eroding so much sedimentary rock throughout the world. Until these men better understood history from a Biblical perspective, they could only see Evolution in the rocks around them. They were blind to the rock of salvation, Jesus Christ.
A missionary in Nassau, Bahamas reported:
Your “Beloved Enemy” film touched and healed many lives. That is one powerful film. During four showings 90 people accepted Christ and 300 recommitted. Praise God for films like that. Christians spoke of how much their lives have been encouraged and saw how they could give more and do more for Jesus Christ. Every time I showed it God spoke to me in different areas of the film.”
A missionary in Guatemala reported:
“Your films are a great blessing to many people here in Guatemala, especially since we work among the country-people and many can't read or write and their villages still have no electricity, and therefore a film is a real treat to them all. It always seems like the whole village comes… There are few and often no Christians… We are grateful for you ministry… We pray that through our united labor many people will come to know the Lord.”
Our popular film, “The World That Perished,” has been translated into Japanese and the missionaries who used it had exciting ministry opportunities open. When telling Shintoists (who worship many gods) about Jesus Christ, the question is asked, “Which god is that?” When the missionary informs them that this was the God who created the whole universe, he has much better success.
In time the other gods lose their importance in the presence of the One who made everything!
We have heard similar accounts from missionaries in other countries. This stresses the great effectiveness of “creation evangelism.” It is so important that the foundation of Creation and Genesis, on which all Christianity rests, is made very clear and plain.
TV Broadcasts
Many wonderful responses have resulted from our television broadcasts in many nations reaching millions of viewers. Included in these broadcasts have been Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Siberia, Czech, South Africa, Greece, Australia, New Zealand, and the Fiji Islands of the South Pacific.
Article Version: September 20, 2017