a not-for-profit ministry of Films for Christ. Films for Christ was founded in 1959. As of November 15, 1999, ChristianAnswers.Net receives about 7.3-million hits per month. The site currently has thousands of pages and grows weekly. The ChristianAnswers.Net domain has 36 home pages, and regularly receives visitors from almost every nation. The sites are being translated into 15 languages. We praise the Lord for what He is doing! [Read more about the ministry]
November 15, 1999
Dear Visitors and Supporters,
We rejoice at what the Lord is doing. After much prayer and preparation, we recently sent out a large shipment to prison chaplains throughout the United States. America's prisons are filled to record numbers - men, women, boys and girls who need Jesus Christ to change their lives. One of our ministries is CHRISTIAN VIDEOS FOR PRISONS. Recently, we gave another 590 Christian evangelism videos to needy prison chaplains. Each chaplain lacked funds to buy videos and expressed their earnest desire to have Christian videos that would reach prisoners' hearts and minds. Each chaplain promised to immediately put these videos to work in winning prisoners to Christ. With our supporters help, we were able to save these chaplains well over $11,000.The total number of prisons, jails, reformatories and prison ministries that the Lord has enabled us to help so far is 778 or more. Effective evangelism and discipleship is being accomplished. The results are marvelous. To God be the glory!
As a chaplain in South Carolina writes, "I minister daily to a population of 625 inmates with many physical, emotional, and spiritual needs… It is amazing the impact and the encouragement that the Holy Spirit makes through Christian video's in the lives of incarcerated men. We designated each Wednesday night as video night service in our chapel and thus far, each service has been packed with many men eager to view the video that is being shown. These services are turning out to be one of our strongest evangelistic services, as many men will attend the video showing who normally never come to any other religious activity."
Here are some other recent comments received from prison chaplains and workers. I hope that you find them encouraging.
"God is truly good. We here at the prison Chapel would like to send our most sincere gratitude for your gift of love. …The response of the men here was incredible. There was not one man that wasn't moved… They have touched lives and hearts and minds and spirits in a very powerful way, and for that we are truly rejoicing in the Lord. …We, your fellow laborers in the faith, will always be mindful to keep your ministry in prayer. And believing that the Lord will repay the ministry, as well as all those who faithfully give to is work. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you again for your gift of love, and for your love for all the saints. This will mean fruit to your account as we stand before the Lord in that great Day." -Chaplain, Sing-Sing Correctional Facility
"I wish you could hear the praises, or see the smiles on their faces when they hear of your donations of videos. We get request after request for Christian videos and movies. With your help they will be able to see Christian videos. Money cannot buy that joy, or what one feels in the Spirit as they watch these videos. Without your support, I would have nothing to give to these offenders. Please allow me to thank you for your wonderful support you have given to our unit and the men who are incarcerated here at Garza West. When one is dealing with 2,000 inmates, the administration, and no full time office help, I had realized that the time has flown by and I didn't get a chance to say thank you. Please allow this Chaplain to humbly apologize and say, THANK YOU. We are a transfer unit. Most of the offenders get their first taste of God, or their first salvation message here. Your gift has been used one hundred fold. I am reminded of a song I used to sing when I was first saved: “Count your blessings” - name them one by one. Count your many blessings and see what God has done. By sending these videos, it has touched many of these brothers lives, by showing a ministry has cared enough to give to them. A ministry that has not forgotten them in their hour of need. Your commitment, your love has now become a part of the many blessings that God has blessed us with. Please, if I get to the point of being so busy not to say thank you, Please know I love you, and I thank you for your support to the Chaplaincy Department here at Garza West. THANK YOU FOR CARING SO MUCH FOR OUR UNIT!" -Chaplain, Texas
"Thank you so much for all you and your staff are doing on behalf of prisoners. They are so desperate for something that they can hold on to and anchor themselves with. They so need a father - and your videos present the quintessential Father in a credible, convincing way. My husband is already seeing good fruit from them. One inmate told him you wouldn't believe the difference it is making in the whole atmosphere of the jail. He said he knows he would have personally been in 3 or 4 fights by now if it weren't for the changes that are taking place and the peace that has come to that place. So please keep doing what you are doing! It is very good work for the Lord. It opens the door for much deep meaningful conversation between him and the inmates and among themselves, and plants seeds just waiting for a little water, which God faithfully supplies." -Jailer, Washington
"6 showings / 300 viewers / Average age: 15.2 / Decisions for Christ: 10." -Chaplain, Florida
"Thank you for your recent donation… one that the men will be utilizing for a long time and one that is both timely and very welcomed. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. The films are great! Inmates love them! Thank you! We are a private institution that operates under contract with the federal government. As a result, we are extremely restricted in the funds that are available for religious services. Without help such as yours, we can meet only the bare requirements for the men in this prison camp. In addition to the prison camp, I also work at the affiliated Taft Correction Institution, a larger complex that houses nearly 2,000 men (there are 500 currently at the camp). These are higher security individuals that are not qualified, because of the need to be in a higher security setting, to come to camp. It is a vital part of my ministry to attempt to meet the needs of such a varied group of men. These inmates come from a cross-section of our culture and are indeed needful of spiritual guidance. I am fully convinced that only through a dramatic spiritual change, can we effect a change in these men's lives, their families' lives, and the life of this country. May God richly bless you for your donation and your assistance." -Chaplain, Taft Community Correctional Facility
"Praise God for your video offer. What an answer to prayer! We house I.N.S. inmates (immigration), mostly Spanish who are stuck in the system, and I only had ONE Spanish video. I am so thankful that I can obtain more for them. My heart is so burdened for them. God bless you and your donors. I'm sorry to say that our facility neither pays for a chaplain or Christian videos. Thank you again." -Chaplain, Monroe County Jail
Our CHRISTIAN VIDEOS FOR PRISONS ministry is designed to help win prisoners to Christ and grow in their knowledge of Him. We want continue to provide free sets of evangelism videos (English and Spanish) to needy Christian chaplains and volunteers who need them to evangelize and disciple prisoners. These sets of videos are often worth hundreds of dollars each. On my desk, I have unfilled requests from over 100 chaplains throughout the U.S. and Canada. They are excited about the prospects and greatly need these videos, but they don't have the funds. We need your help for purchasing and shipping more videos. This is a very effective ministry. Many prisoners are being saved. Why is this so effective? This is the TV generation, and there are far more prisoners than chaplains can handle. Many prisoners are not fluent in English, so our Spanish videos are very valuable to chaplains. Great, Christ-centered videos and prayer are the key.
Paul S. Taylor
Christian Answers
The Christian Answers Network is a nonprofit, evangelical ministry made possible by the volunteer help and donations of concerned Christians.
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