Subash and Vishnu have two sons - 9-year old Sunil and 6-year old Manjit—and a daughter, 4-year old Kavita. Pastors Jens Kaldewey and Jorg Schori met Subash, Vishnu and Kavita in April at a marriage conference in Jammu, Northern India. “The parents told us the following amazing story, confirmed through friends and the change in their own lives,” says Schori.
"In October 1998, when Kavita was 3 months old, Subash and Vishnu went to work in the fields. Following a strange impression, the mother hurried home, and found both boys lying on top of their sister. Kavita became colder and colder, and did not breathe for three hours. Her parents had only 100 rupees (about US$3), so could not afford to take their daughter to hospital. They were not yet Christians, but knew about a preacher who told of miracles, from whom they had heard a number of things about Jesus.
In desperation, Subash and Vishnu started to pray to Jesus, even though they were Hindus. They prayed for about an hour, starting at 7 p.m., until God made Kavita breathe again. The neighbors had already gathered to mourn, and were astonished by the news that the girl had returned to life. As a result, many people believed in Jesus and were themselves healed.
The parents’ faith was greatly strengthened through the experience, and they started to serve Jesus. They are now full-time evangelists, and bring many people to Jesus. The church which they attend has grown from 25 to 250 members. In the meantime, two brothers and their wives have become Christians, and their parents, who were initially very displeased by the change in their children, are slowly becoming more open."
Author: FridayFax. Used with permission from Centre for Mission Direction, Christchurch, New Zealand.