How can you know what is right or wrong?

Throughout your life, you will need to make many decisions. Every day, you will have to choose between doing what is good or bad. The bad things people do are what makes this world so terrible, and fills it with suffering and injustice.

How can you know is right, and what is wrong, so that you can help make the world a better place—and not add to its pain?

Actually, it is no secret. We all know the difference. God put that knowledge into us. People often call this our “conscience.” We know when we are doing wrong.

In addition, God has plainly told us what is wrong. That is part of the purpose of the Bible. It clearly tells us what is good, and what is evil.

Written instructions, hand-delivered

Watch a short movie about what God did? (The HOPE)—GO

Did you know that God personally wrote down some of His most important rules for us? He did it on two flat pieces of stone with His own finger (see: Exodus 31:18). Wouldn’t that have been an amazing thing to see?! Do you suppose the rock turned soft at His touch? Or did His finger cut into the stone like a laser beam?

Be sure that you know those ten commandments!

Click on the stone tablets to see and print out the complete list for yourself. Ask your parent or guardian for permission to tape it on your bedroom wall or mirror, so that you can see them every day and remember them.

What is the greatest commandment?

Many years after God wrote those important words in stone, He came down to Earth again. He became a man so that He could walk among us and talk to us face to face. He came to show His great love for us. During this time, someone asked Him,

“Master, which is the greatest commandment in the law?” (Matthew 22:36).

Do you know what God said?

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39, NIV).

When Jesus said “your neighbor,” He did not mean just the people that live near you; He meant everyone.

If we would all do these things, we would never sin. We would always do what is right, and the world would be a much better place. All sin comes from not loving God, and from being selfish and unloving toward others.

Get God’s help! It’s free!

If you ask God for help in making the right choices, He will guide you. He is eager to help.

Here is a tip: When you start each day, make the decision to love God and love others that day. Then ask God for His help to do this. When you do something wrong, don’t ignore it. Confess it to God and ask for the forgiveness of anyone that you have wronged.

Author: Paul S. Taylor of Christian Answers.

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