More Animals of the RainforestToucan![]() This bird mainly lives in the rainforests of Brazil. Toucan is the Brazilian name for large-beaked bird. One of the main characteristics of the Toucan is its large and bulky beak, it can often be as large as the bird itsself! The beak may be big and strong, but it is very light-weight being composed of many air chambers. The beak is saw-toothed and is often as brilliantly colored as its fathers. Tree Frog![]() The Tree Frog lives in trees, lays their eggs on leaves on in small pools of water and they eat small insects. Tree frogs come in a large variety of colors, shapes and sizes some tree frogs are even poisonous. Jaguar (Panthera onca)![]() This is one of the largest species of the cat family in the western hemosphere. The Jaguar usually preys upon animals such as horses, tapirs, capybaras, dogs, and cattle. The roar of this great cat can be heard from miles away and is usually heard at night or during mating season. The Jaguar’s “base” color varies greatly from white to black, of course these are the extremes. See: Wrestling with a jaguar! (true story) Animals in the same big cat genus are:
Lions are fertile with all of these species, so they are clearly all part of the same created kind. Their offspring are called…
See: LIONS in the Bible Lion Marmoset (Leontocebus Rosalia)![]() This animal lives mainly in South America and is from the genus Callithrix. The Marmoset differs from other primates in having one less pair of molars in both jaws. Marmosets have remarkably high pitched voices, and they mainly eat insects, spiders, and fruit. ![]() Article Version: December 15, 2024