We provide music in MP3 and MIDI formats. The later provides faster loading, but sound accuracy will vary greatly depending on your computer’s MIDI sound hardware). [ info ]
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ABOUT OUR MUSIC—This site supplies music in the MIDI format (Musical Instrument Digital Interface—.mid). Streaming MIDI is probably the fastest of all sound delivery methods on the Internet. One great advantage of MIDI files is their extremely small file size which results in the speediest download times. Other digial audio formats (.wav, RealAudio, MP3, .au, etc.) require far larger files (often several megabytes).
COOL FEATURE—Size and speed is not the only advantage. MIDI files have another wonderful feature; they can do more than just play music on your computer. You can perform the music on your digital keyboard or other instrument through the MIDI interface port on your computer sound card. MIDI music acts in much the same way as a player piano; it plays the instrument for you. Using this feature, some churches that lack an organist have setup their MIDI-port-equipped electronic organ to perform the music using MIDI files on the computer as the virtual organist.
SOUND QUALITY—One point to understand about MIDI files is that they sound different on different computers and different instruments. The reason for this is that MIDI is not an audio recording; it is recorded instructions for playing instruments (analogous to the punched paper rolls on a player piano). The resulting sound will depend on the characteristics of the instruments built into your sound card or keyboard. What sounds awesome on most, may sound poor on some others.
TEMPO CONTROL AND INSTRUMENT CONTROL—Software is available on the Web to control the tempo and other characteristics of MIDI files.
WEBMASTERS: You have our permission to link to ChristianBackgroundMusic.com (this page) (http://ChristianBackgroundMusic.com). Permission is NOT granted to link to individual files on these pages. We cannot grant rights for posting midi files or graphics on any other Web site.
COPYRIGHT RESTRICTION—No duplication, no sending of these sound files to others, no posting of these files on other Web pages or on the Internet in any way whatsoever, no linking directly to any of these sound files, no public use of any kind, no use in a commercial, non-profit or educational projects or product, etc. All rights are reserved. Sorry, due to circumstances and legalities involved, we are not at liberty to make any exceptions.
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