Why should any one have to accept ancient hearsay as evidence for the existence of a god?
You are right to be suspicious about fallible people. But if God really is omnipotent, there is no reason why He cannot use fallible people to carry out His plans—including plans to reveal Himself and get it right.
God does not promise to prove Himself unequivocally to those who believe that He is a “twisted monster,” but to those who approach Him in humility. It may be a good idea to think about your own fallibility as a judge in these things.
The apostle Paul, writing to people in Rome, did not appeal to “ancient hearsay” at all, but to their own present experience. He pointed to their awareness of the fingerprints of the Creator in the grandeur of creation. He also pointed them to their need for salvation because they all fell short of the moral judgments they made of others. There (we) are all hypocrites, in need of mercy.
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Author: Richard B. Keyes. Text supplied by AIIA Institute.
Richard Keyes is Director of L'Abri MA, a residential study center in Southborough, Massachusetts. L'Abri was founded in Switzerland by the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer in 1955. Mr. Keyes is also and author and lecturer. Since 1997 he has served as an AIIA Resource Associate (worldviews).
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