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1. Who is the first woman who ever lived?
a) Jane
b) Eve
c) Mary
d) Adah
2. Abraham's wife:
a) Tamar
b) Ruth
c) Rachel
d) Sarah
3. The mother of Jesus Christ?
a) Miriam
b) Martha
c) Mary
d) Mara
4. Sisters of Lazarus who was raised from the dead by Jesus?
a) Ruth and Naomi
b) Martha and Mary
c) Priscilla and Drusilla
d) Lois and Eunice
5. Sister of Moses and Aaron?
a) Miriam
b) Lydia
c) Ruth
d) Noami
6. A woman who became a judge of Israel?
a) Esther
b) Herodias
c) Deborah
d) Dorcas
10 seconds per question