Reviewed by: Evan D. Baltz
Moral Rating: | Average |
Moviemaking Quality: |
Primary Audience: | Family Adults |
Genre: | Comedy Fantasy Sequel |
Length: | 1 hr. 35 min. |
Year of Release: | 2007 |
USA Release: |
June 22, 2007 (wide) |
► BE VERY CAREFUL NOT TO CREATE AN ALTERNATE GOD of your own liking, a false “christian” diety with which you feel much more comfortable. Likely, most people today have done this. It is foolish, dangerous, and all too popular in our current age.
► God is SOVEREIGN. The Creator and King of the universe (and Heaven and Hell) has the full right to do or allow whatever He chooses, no question—no matter what our human opinions may be.
► INSTANT DEATH—If you actually saw God, YOU WOULD DIE. In fact, when God’s presence was in the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy of Holies, or on Mount Sinai, merely touching or entering would bring you instant death.
► WANT TO SEE GOD? Read a true story (short) about the experience of a biblical man who really, really wanted to see God, which I wrote for young people and families.
► FEAR OF THE LORD IS A GOOD THING! Although God is all-loving, He is also fully righteous, totally holy, totally just—and an infinitely powerful God of wrath and judgment.
► THE WRATH OF GOD has been displayed in awesome ways in the past, and will be seen again in Earth’s future. The real God PUNISHES sin, because He is JUST. See: punishment in the Bible, judgments of God, the Final Judgment, and Hell
How can we know there’s a God? Answer
What if the cosmos is all that there is? Answer
If God made everything, who made God? Answer
Should Christians be concerned about the environment? Answer
What is man’s responsibility to the environment? Answer
How might rain forest destruction affect our weather? Answer
Accurate information about Noah’s Ark and the awesome biblical Flood
Does the Bible state that the Flood of Noah covered the entire Earth? Answer
How did various animals get from the real Ark to isolated places, such as Australia? Answer
Could the real Noah’s Ark really hold all the animals preserved in the Flood? Answer
How did FISH survive the real Flood? Did Noah take them? If not, how could freshwater and saltwater fish cope with changes in salinity? Answer
ORIGIN OF ETHNIC PEOPLE GROUPS—How could all ethnicities come from Noah, his three sons and their wives? Answer
How can we know there’s a real God? Answer
Who was the real Mrs. Noah? What was she like? Learn about this rarely mentioned, but important woman
Should Christians seek political power or should we only focus on evangelism? Answer
What part should true integrity play in politics? Answer
A single man or woman can help make great, positive changes. Read about some who did through FAITH and God’s help…
Jesus Christ, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and David
The story of Noah’s Ark and the Flood
Featuring |
Steve Carell — “Little Miss Sunshine,” “The 40 Year Old Virgin” Lauren Graham, John Goodman, Wanda Sykes, John Michael Higgins, Jimmy Bennett, Jonah Hill, Graham Phillips, Johnny Simmons, etc. |
Director |
Tom Shadyac (see interview) — “The Nutty Professor,” “Liar, Liar,” “Bruce Almighty” |
Producer | Dave Phillips, Matt Luber, Ilona Herzberg |
Distributor |
Prequel: “Bruce Almighty” (2003)
Genesis 6:14 begins with God’s command to Noah to “Make for yourself an ark of gopher wood….” In 2007, God has returned in the form of Morgan Freeman to again issue this command, this time to Steve Carell, a.k.a. Evan Baxter. Verily I say unto you, this then is the plot of the $175-million dollar comedy epic, “Evan Almighty.”
Evan Baxter, a Buffalo news anchorman, has just been elected to Congress, so he packs up his family and moves them to suburban D.C. With the job comes a big new house and a Hummer. The Baxter family has it all. But Evan’s family misses their dad, who is now too busy with the trappings of politics to spend time with his family. His campaign slogan was “To Change the World,” but as his family prays for more time with their dad, Evan prays and asks God to help him keep his campaign promise.
The next day Evan is awoken by his General Electric alarm clock at 6:14. He proceeds to find a crate addressed to him on the doorstep with some ancient carpentry tools. Later, a load of wood is delivered to his house from “Go-4-Wood Supplies.” Not much later, God appears and directs Evan to begin building an ark.
Animals begin to follow Evan in pairs. He begins to grow a longer and longer beard, and finally he ends up wearing a long robe. Of course, none of this helps his political career. He eventually seals his doom by announcing at a Congressional meeting that God has instructed him to make an ark. Anytime someone says that, they must be a delusional crackpot, right?
What is God’s plan for Evan? What lessons will he learn through this adventure? They aren’t too surprising, but still quite nice, considering this is a Hollywood movie.
The movie is quite funny throughout, but not uproariously. It’s rather sweet and gentle most of the way. There is no swearing and no sex. There are a few animal jokes, but, for the most part, it is the most unobjectionable mainstream movie I have seen in years. The movie doesn’t make fun of God or the values. The theology is, for the most part, fine. It’s just a nice, cute, $200+ million dollar comedy.
In one particularly poignant exchange between God and Evan, God asks him if he thinks when you pray and ask God for patience, if God gives you patience, or puts you in a situation where you learn patience. If someone asks for courage, does God give them courage or put them in a situation where they can become courageous? Does God give you family togetherness, or does he put you in a situation where you pull together as a family? I thought these observations were right on the money, and probably ideas the general non-Christian viewing public has perhaps not even thought of before.
Steve Carell is the master of the uncomfortable moment, which makes him the perfect actor to play the modern day Noah. We get a sense for how the real Noah must have felt in his day, telling everyone it was going to flood, as he built a huge boat in his back yard. Carell’s character actually sheds some light on what this must have been like for Noah. Morgan Freeman plays God for comedy, at times, but respectfully and thoughtfully, as much as that can be done in a movie.
For me, there was really nothing objectionable in the movie. I found it to be fun and entertaining—and even insightful at times. Is it the funniest or most dramatic movie ever made? No. But it delivers, for what it is. It’s much better than I think many critics are giving it credit. Of course, we know the world of religious cynics like nothing more than panning anything that espouses values and religion. I think this is, however, a movie the whole family could enjoy. I guess time will tell if the movie can make back the money spent on its production and marketing, but I am willing to give it at least 40 days and 40 nights to try.
Violence: None / Profanity: None / Sex/Nudity: None
See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.
The overall message is great, and it doesn’t mock our faith in any way. While there are complaints about how Morgan Freeman plays God, I thought he did a good job. No one can or has the ability to match the all the characteristics of God. The film isn’t perfect, but it is good entertainment for the family. I would give it a shot, if not in theaters, at least rent it when it comes out on DVD.
My Ratings: Better than Average / 4