Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
Today’s Prayer Focus

Ant-Man and the Wasp

also known as “Ant-Man 2,” “Ant-Man y la Avispa,” “Ant-Man a Wasp,” “Homem-Formiga e a Vespa,” See all »
MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for some sci-fi action violence.

Reviewed by: Francisco Gomez Jr.

Moral Rating: Offensive
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults Young-Adults Teens
Genre: Superhero Sci-Fi Action Adventure Sequel
Length: 1 hr. 58 min.
Year of Release: 2018
USA Release: July 6, 2018 (wide—4,206 theaters)
DVD: October 16, 2018
Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Picturesclick photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
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Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
Featuring Paul RuddScott Lang / Ant-Man
Evangeline LillyHope Van Dyne / Wasp
Michael Peña (Michael Pena) … Luis
Walton GogginsSonny Burch
Bobby CannavalePaxton
Judy GreerMaggie
Laurence FishburneDr. Bill Foster
T.I. … Dave (Tip “T.I.” Harris)
Michelle PfeifferJanet Van Dyne / Wasp
Michael DouglasDr. Hank Pym
David Dastmalchian … Kurt
Hannah John-Kamen … Ava / Ghost
See all »
Director Peyton Reed — “Ant-Man” (2015), “Yes Man” (2008), “The Break-Up” (2006)
Producer Marvel Studios
Stephen Broussard
See all »

“Ant-Man and the Wasp” is the sequel to the 2015 film “Ant-Man.” It stars Paul Rudd (Scott Lang), Evangeline Lilly (Hope van Dyne), and Michael Douglas (Hank Pym). It is a Marvel film set within its cinematic universe shortly before the events of “Avengers: Infinity War,” and takes place after the actions of “Captain America: Civil War.”

Scott Lang finds himself under house arrest after assisting Captain America escape capture. He takes a deal from the federal government to be put under house arrest for two years and three years of probation after that. However, Hank Pym thinks there may be a way of rescuing his wife Janet (Michelle Pfeiffer) from the entrapment in the quantum realm through Lang, and requests his help. The process attracts three other interested parties, and now they are on the clock to bring back Janet while avoiding capture. All the while Lang tries to keep his heroic outings a secret. Let’s talk about moviemaking quality before we get into content for concern.

The film is very different from the tropes that have been set in the genre, and yet does not tread any new ground. Likewise, the film is entertaining despite often lacking a meaningful pace. Summarizing the plot is difficult, and that speaks to how messy the film can be. There are effectively three antagonists: Ghost, Sonny Burch, and law enforcement. The movie has way too many opposing forces for such a straight forward film, and its straightforward rescue mission may be the reason for so many antagonists, as it would struggle to push the plot forward without them. However, it makes for an unnecessarily crowded film. You could pick just one of the antagonists, and the story would be essentially the same.

The film shines in its action set pieces, and that is where director Peyton Reed is the most comfortable. Their powers are used in unique manners, and it is great fun to see how they get out of predicaments. Furthermore, the performances are fantastic. The cast seems like they enjoyed filming, and it shows on screen. Rudd and Lilly have amazing chemistry. Michael Peña delivers the laughs more often than not, and Pfeiffer makes the most out of her minutes. Abby Fortson is emphatic and charismatic with promising potential to be an amazing actress. The performances in the film are what make the film meaningful, motivations credible, and blemishes tolerable. Without the cast, the film could have crumbled. Instead, we get a genuinely heartwarming film about love and family.


Family is the central theme of the story. All characters involved are motivated by the love of their family. Lang in particular strives to be a good father figure to his daughter. He wants to do what is right so she can have a good example. Whether that be fulfilling his house arrest or standing up to villains, he is a man on a mission to make things right. The same is true for the love Hope and Hank have for Janet. They are willing to sacrifice themselves for one another in order to save Janet. They are there to support one another. It reminds me of the blessing it is to be a part of the Christian church.

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up” —Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Often times we forget that we are a team in the ministry of our Lord, and as such are here to support one another. We support one another by pointing out shortcomings, helping each other get back up, and rejoicing in victories. This can only be accomplished through Biblical love; it is what holds us together as a family in Christ. For the redeemed, we are brothers and sisters as children of God. It binds together all the positive virtues gained by our walk with God.

“And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.”-Colossians 3:14

Scott finds out that when of the best examples he can set for his daughter is the sacrificial love to his friends. He can be known as a hero to her in that manner. Similarly, we can be an example to non-believers by how we treat our Christian family. Christ said:

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” –John 13:35

What a cause for praise to know we can sharpen one another for the glory of God! This is true for those who have chosen Christ as their Lord and been adopted into God’s family. If you have questions about entering a relationship with Christ and becoming a part of God’s family, click here.

Janet helps heal a character despite the character attempting to kill her before. She showed compassion despite experiencing wrong doing. Similarly, our love is not reserved just for believers, we are to be minsters of reconciliation and love others as well. We are called to treat others with compassion, even though it may be hard at times. We are to avoid vengeance and to show love instead. God will deliver justice if he deems it so.

“Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,‘ says the Lord. On the contrary: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.” —Romans 12:19-20

Content of Concern

The film is one of the cleaner ones in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but hardly any movie produced by Hollywood is without its concerning content. Here’s the content that may be of concern.

Violence: Heavy. There is an abundance of action sequences in which characters are punched, kicked, or shot with blasters. Most of the violence is presented in a nonrealistic manner featuring the shrinking or growing capabilities of the suits. No blood or gore is present.

Alcohol/Smoking/Drugs: Minor. There is no recreational use of drugs. The only presence they have in the film is when characters are tranquilized or given “truth serum.”

Language/Profanity: Heavy. This is the film’s biggest concern. It contains language that is inappropriate for children. God’s name is misused at least ten times, with one instance of it empathically coupled with d*mn. There are instances of the s-word, one b-word, and a few of a-words.

Sex/Nudity: Moderate. There is no nudity besides a shirtless Lang who takes a quick bath in his tub, and another instance in which he has a shirt and boxers the size of shorts. There are a couple of instances of innuendo’s that are not overt, but that many adults will understand.

Occult: None. There are no occult themes.

While the film’s story can often feel haphazard, but it is lifted by the charismatic and comedic performances of the cast. Reed has steady control of other aspects in the film and his direction shines in the action sequences.

The film does have its content for concern—particularly inappropriate language—that would not make it a film to take children to, but may be platform for discussions of love, family, and compassion with your teens. As always, use prayer and spiritual discernment when deciding what to potentially open your heart to.

“Above all else, guard your heart for everything you do flows from it.” –Proverbs 4:23

  • Violence: Heavy
  • Profane language: Heavy— “J*sus” (1), “Jeez” (1), “Chr*st’s sakes” (1), “G*d d*mn” (1), “Oh my G*d” (8), “Swear to G*d” (1), “d*mn” (11), “h*ll” (8)
  • Vulgar/Crude language: Moderate— “bullsh*t” (1), other s-words (3), a** (3), “son of a b*tch” (1)
  • Nudity: Mild
  • Sex: Moderate
  • Occult: None

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—Picking up where “Captain America: Civil War” left off, “Ant-Man and the Wasp” flies like a butterfly and stings like a bee. The acting, writing (done in part by star Paul Rudd), directing, etc. Is top-notch as one would expect from Walt Disney Studios. The screenplay is well-constructed, and gives an unexpected character a poignant backstory.

Biblically speaking, there is one misuse of God’s Name, maybe one or two of Yeshua’s Name, and a few s-words (with at least two cut off). There is some violence, most of it bloodless, and one mild innuendo. There are two other harmless remarks that can be interpreted otherwise if your mind goes there. Leave the young ones at home, as there is some content they should not be exposed to.

Stay through the middle of the credits for one crucial scene that is a spoiler for “Avengers: Infinity War” (if you have not seen “Avengers: Infinity War” yet, I strongly suggest you do so when it arrives on digital and home video platforms next month, then buzz to your nearest multiplex and view “Ant-Man and the Wasp”); the post-credits scene is funny, but irrelevant to the plot, so you can leave after the mid-credits scene. …
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
D, age 32 (USA)
Positive— “Antman and the Wasp” is a continuation of the first Antman and the most decent of all the Marvel movies. The humor is not vulgar or crude. However, it does have some sh-words and others. The film’s theme is strong on family, friendship, and loyalty.

I have to say that it is a must to see the following movies first before seeing this one: “Antman” (the first one), “Captain America: Civil War,” and “Avengers: Infinity War.” If you don’t see these films, you may be a little lost, but not too. The plot is very easy to follow.

There are three antagonist: the FBI, Scott is on house arrest (if you saw “Infinity War,” you would know that), a black market tech dealer, and the Ghost. Two of the antagonists want Dr. Hank Pym’s creation. One wants to capture Scott for breaking out of his ankle bracelet. The Pyms want to get Hope’s mom out of the quantum realm. Ghost wants to be cured of her issues with the quantum machine Dr. Pym made. The mob wants the quantum lab to sell to the highest bidder on the black market. The FBI want to arrest Scott. It’s all a rush against time. The twists and turns of the movie all make for an interesting story line. This movie will keep you laughing. There is nothing confusing about this plot.

If there is a Marvel movie to watch, this one is it. I was truly impressed with how the story moved along throughout. However, I would seriously caution bringing children younger than ten years old to see this film. I did see that people did bring their children to this movie. I feel that the profanity in the film is what brings it down. Otherwise, it is truly a fun picture to see.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Karen, age 52 (USA)
Positive— Having watched “Ant-Man and the Wasp” several months ago, I can honestly say this is one of the best sequel movies I’ve seen in a very long time. Usually Hollywood Movie sequels are rarely as good as the original film in any given Franchise, and while Ant-Man and the Wasp isn’t quite as good as the first “Ant-Man” film in 2015, this film still stands alone as a superb sequel, nothing very morally offensive, great special effects, Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly, Michael Douglas, all have the same great chemistry done to perfection.

In this Hollywood Era of Corny Reboots and bad sequels that are a waste of time/money to watch and cheapen the greatness of the original films, “Ant-Man and the Wasp” is refreshing and makes me look forward to a third installment in the Ant-Man films.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Jeff Andrew Winters, age 40 (USA)
Comments from young people
Neutral—For everyone reading this I believe that it is important to monitor how much of the outside world we allow into our inner Christian life. I am fifteen years old, and, as a young person watching this film, I was fairly disappointed/appalled on the loosely spoken numerous curse words and taking the Lord’s name in vain. In the Bible it says let no unwholesome talk come from our mouths; but only what is uplifting.

The movie had its up and down points, for example, the story plot was about family and being supportive; but the language was constantly keeping you on your toes because there was so much in there. The movie was still fun to watch but for those going to see it I recommend watching the movie through a mental filter. (Being aware)
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
TJ Moore, age 15
Neutral—“Ant Man and the Wasp,” while not moving into much new territory in the world of Marvel films, was nonetheless an enjoyable and entertaining ride. The plot pushed forward well despite being a cut-and-dry rescue mission due to a large amount of antagonists throughout the film.

What concerns me throughout the course of the movie as a believer is the amount of deceit involved, as Scott (the Ant Man) attempts to keep the authorities from realizing that he has broken his state of house arrest. Scott works to keep the fact that he has left his house arrest sentence early secret from his friends and family, at one point using his daughter to lie to authorities. While it all was his last resort (and also to save a life), this sort of sneaking and trickery used in real life is condemned in Scripture and should be understood as such by Christian viewers.

Besides this and a few ordinary moments of crassness, Marvel delivered once more in the way of stunning visual effects, hilarious moments, and breathtaking action. Although the movie did not stand out in any particular way of plot or morality, it was an interesting move in the push before the second “Infinity War” film anticipated in 2019.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Chance Railor, age 17 (USA)

PLEASE share your observations and insights to be posted here.

Secular Movie Critics
…“Ant-Man and the Wasp” bets on everything that worked about the first movie—it’s a light and sunny entry in the ongoing Marvel canon that gets by on the cast’s easygoing chemistry. And, of course, on all the shrinking and growing. …
David Sims, The Atlantic
…a vast improvement on “Ant-Man” (2015)—and one of the most entertaining releases from Marvel Studios. …[4/4]
Calvin Wilson, st. Louis Post-Dispatch
…a script where too many jokes fall flat… the fun levels get shrunk in a so-so second Ant-stallment… [2/5]
Andrew Frisicano, Time Out
…delightful comedy of scale… faster, funnier, and more cunningly confident than the original…
Owen Gleiberman, Variety
…feels less like a fun side journey and more like a waste of everybody’s time… The movie is ultimately harmless, trivial puffery that vanishes from your brain as quickly as you experience it. …
Will Leitch, Paste Magazine
…It’s busy, harmless fun. Very, very busy. …
David Edelstein, Vulture, New York Magazine
…feels overstuffed with ever so many story elements… There’s a lot going on here, which leads to a whole lot of gassy exposition to explain it all… Think of it as torture by blah-blah. …[2/4]
Soren Andersen, The Seattle Times
…While it proves an all-round well-mounted distraction, Ant-Man And The Wasp undeniably lacks the scale and ambition of recent Marvel entries. … [3/5]
Dan Jolin, Empire [UK]
…an effects-laden goofball comedy in which anything goes and nothing matters. …
Todd McCarthy, The Hollywood Reporter