Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures
Today’s Prayer Focus

Godzilla: King of the Monsters

also known as “Chua Te Godzilla: De Vuong Bat Tu,” “Godzila 2,” “Godzilla 2: El Rey de los Monstruos,” “Godzilla II - A szörnyek királya,” “Godzilla II - King of the Monsters,” See all »
MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for sequences of monster action violence and destruction, and for some language.

Reviewed by: Casey Scharven

Moral Rating: Very Offensive
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Young-Adults Adults
Genre: Sci-Fi Action Adventure Sequel
Length: 2 hr. 11 min.
Year of Release: 2019
USA Release: May 31, 2019 (wide—4,108 theaters)
DVD: August 27, 2019
Copyright, Warner Bros. Picturesclick photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures
Relevant Issues
Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures


The idea that these monters are a part of Earth’s immune system, bringing a deserved day of reckoning for mankind’s devastation of nature—potentially destroying civilization to make room for nature to grow back

The film’s environmental activism theme of “healing the planet” and restoring “global balance”—to help mankind evolve and stop it from killing Earth

Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures

Genocidal maniacs—extremist suggestion by some characters in the film indicating they welcome the murder of humans by the monsters (culling the herd)

Current extremism and hysteria in world’s environmental activism movement and how it is being encouraged and used politically by Leftists and Globalists to gain more power and control

Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures

What you believe about climate change is based on your worldview and what you believe about the past

Should Christians be concerned about the environment? Answer

What is man’s responsibility to the environment? Answer

Be good stewards of what our Creator has provided, care for creation responsibly, and rationally and wisely deal with any valid environmental concerns, but don’t be swept up in “doom-and-gloom” predictions and unethical fear-mongering based on misinformation, bad “science,” political motives and greed for power and money

Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures

Fantasy monsters




DRAGONS AND DINOSAURS—discover how they are connected

About DRAGONS in the Bible

Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures

The destructiveness of DIVORCE—and what God’s Word says about this common practice

Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures
Featuring Kyle ChandlerDr. Mark Russell
Vera FarmigaDr. Emma Russell
Millie Bobby BrownMadison Russell
Lexi Rabe (Alexandra Rachael Rabe) … Young Madison Russell
Charles DanceJonah Alan
Bradley WhitfordDr. Stanton
O'Shea Jackson Jr.Chief Warrant Officer Barnes
Sally HawkinsDr. Vivienne Graham
Ken WatanabeDr. Ishiro Serizawa
Ziyi ZhangDr. Chen
David StrathairnAdmiral William Stenz
Thomas MiddleditchSam Coleman
See all »
Director Michael Dougherty
Producer Warner Bros.
Legendary Entertainment
See all »

Very heavy environmentalist messaging

Let’s start with a review of the past and try to keep the spoilers to a minimum. In 1973, we learned about Monarch, an agency searching for MUTOs (Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organisms) since the end of World War II and found Kong on Skull Island. In 2014, Godzilla and other MUTOs fought around the world, with the final, devastating battle in San Francisco. Afterward, Godzilla departs and the public hasn’t seen him since.

Now it’s 2019, and the nation is coming to grips that “monsters exist”. The Monarch Agency is under intense scrutiny from the US government as to what it knows about Titans (the new name for the MUTOs) and, more importantly—what are they doing about them.

The story gets going when scientist Emma Russell and her daughter, Madison, are kidnapped as the Titan Mothra changes into a larva. Jonah Alan, a terrorist, wants to use a device Emma has invented as part of his dastardly plans—while Emma’s ex-husband, Mark works with Monarch to try and thwart Alan’s grandiose plans for the Titans.

As with King Kong movies, I had watched the original 1954 Godzilla movie (and many of the sequels) growing up, so I’m familiar with the characters and franchise. This 2019 version is part of the franchise and is intended to continue the path leading to the 2020 movie, “Kong vs. Godzilla.”

Some thoughts on the production. I think the CGI is great, but many of the scenes are very dark, and things are hard to make out. I kept comparing many of the Titans to the 1950s and 1960s movie versions and didn’t have any problems with the updated Titans.

The plot is thin, and the dialog pretty predictable. However, there is one good twist that the movie carefully kept from the audience until it was revealed, but, after that, it was back to a predictable monster movie.

There are many characters that you’d expect to see from the franchise’s previous movies, such as Dr. Serizawa and Dr. Graham, along with many other generic characters that you’ve seen in previous movies—the military gung-ho troops (very diverse cast in this movie), the scientists, the politicians—all pretty much the standard casting call from previous movies.

The language is a disappointment, with multiple uses of profane language— • J*sus (7) • Chr*st • G*d d*mn (4) • For G*d’s sakes • Oh G*d • My G*d • H*ll (12) • d*mn

Vulgar/Crude language: • f-word (1 or more) • middle-finger displayed • s-words (10+), including bullsh*t • men referred to as horny • gonorrhea • son of a b*tch • B*tch

Sex/Nudity: In a surprise, there are ZERO issues with nudity or sexual situations. Not even inappropriate clothing, which I appreciated.

Violence: As with any movie of this type, the issue of violence in movies has to be considered. This is not a movie where deaths are hidden, but are often clear and right in front of you. Violence is heaped on violence; it’s a monster movie with people being killed in a multitude of ways.

There are multiple themes in the movie, but all lead back to a single strand—the God of the Bible is not a part of this movie universe. There is a shot where a large volcano is exploding in the background, with a Christian cross in the foreground. I thought about the symbolism, and my initial take was that the director was showing that the cross of Jesus Christ was small and impotent in light of the volcano exploding—I look forward to how others would interpret that scene. The movie is not constantly anti-Christian, but it is mostly silent on the God of the Bible.

Please remember Psalm 14, and compare it to the worldview of the movie.

“The fools says in his heart, there is no God. They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is none who does good.”

There are many instances where the Titans are referred to as the first “gods” or that Godzilla is “god”—along with a comment in the movie that we should have faith in Godzilla. Some comments talked about how people once saw the Titans as sacred, divine creatures and redemption was offered by them, and that we are healed by making peace with our demons (not referring to the Titans, but internal pain).

There is a comment that Godzilla was killed by men, and we are to be saved by bringing him back to life—a pretty close allusion to Jesus’ crucifixion by sinful men, and the salvation offered by his resurrection.

The movie is filled with the constant drumbeat of extreme environmentalism, with the planet having been harmed by man, and that the Titans are part of the solution to healing the planet. The message is that man is now irreparably harming the planet and nature needs to be rebalanced, and Jonah Alan and those working with him are well aware of the impact on mankind, as the planet is “rebalanced.” The environment is spoken of as almost something that is “alive” and should be accorded treatment as a person [similar to the New Age Earth concept of Gaia]. In contrast, in Genesis 1:28-31, man is to subdue Earth and have dominion over Creation. However, man’s dominion is warped by sin, as Creation was also impacted by Adam’s sin.

Governments are also depicted as “bad” and unwilling to see the Titans as anything but a threat. And don’t forget—aliens.

Setting aside the “willing suspension of disbelief,” there are issues that many deal with today: divorce, dealing with the loss of a loved one, and the impact of a parent on the next generation. These issues are dealt with by characters with an impact on how they interact with one another and make certain decisions in the movie.

I particularly was struck with how the decisions of a parent had an impact on a child, and this should be a reminder that parents have a duty from Proverbs 22:6 that they are to “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Parents have a responsibility to raise children in a God-fearing manner and to understand that the child is always watching—actions are often more important than words. A child who is well-taught from the beginning will have a mature understanding of God as they grow older—conversely a child will drift if their teaching is not deeply rooted.

The Bible is clear that the world is at war with God. Although I appreciated the lack of direct attacks on Christianity, Christians will understand that the lack of a direct attack is still not a neutral position. Jesus is quoted in Matthew 12:30 saying, “Whoever is not with me is against me… .” Simply because a movie is relatively silent on Christianity does not make it neutral—it is either glorifying God or not.

Can I recommend the film? No, I cannot. As much as I’d like to relive the days of old movies, I can’t separate a movie from the worldview that it represents. Christians understand that things are never as simple as the “good old days”—and we need to have our eyes open, ready to discern what we’re seeing and allowing into our minds and allowing our children to see (yes, there were some fairly young children in this movie).

The blasphemy in the movie is enough for me to not recommend it. I also feel the worldview and the violence shown is enough for me not to recommend it. There will always be a conversation on when is it too violent or when does it have too much language—and for that I would desire that potential viewers prayerfully ask for discernment. Remember that the employment that God has provided for you pays for the movies you watch, and we should be sensitive to whether a movie glorifies God or not.

Learn about DISCERNMENT—wisdom in making personal entertainment decisions

“Godzilla: King of the Monsters” goes too far for me, and, as much as I wanted to have a good-old fashioned time at the movies, I have to recommend you forego the movie.

  • Violence: Very Heavy
  • Profane language: Heavy
  • Vulgar/Crude language: Heavy
  • Nudity: None
  • Sex: None
  • Occult: None

cinema tickets. ©  Alexey SmirnovEvery time you buy a movie ticket or buy or rent a video you are in effect casting a vote telling Hollywood, “I’ll pay for that. That’s what I want.” Read article

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—I think I have a different take on this movie than you all. There is a ton of Christian symbolism throughout the movie. This movie brings the oldest battle of them all to be played out in the Monsterverse, that being good versus evil. The movie chooses to display Godzilla as a type of Christ and clearly Ghidorah as Satan. Just go back to the references, in the, yes weak, dialogue of the movie, and you’ll see this clearly illustrated. They go out of the way to say Ghidorah is not from this world, and that he’s fashioning the world to his liking. These comments coming directly after the footage of Ghidorah standing on the Volcano top as the Cross of Christ opposes it. Has not Satan tried to do the same to this world? Has he not tried to mold this world and God’s creation into his own likeness? And who can defeat him? Only Christ, and only Godzilla in this movie. This imagery is unmistakable because they show the footage of the Cross three times in this movie.See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Deacon Stephen Kerr, age 40 (USA)
Positive—I personally think the scene with Ghidorah in the volcano with the cross in the foreground is a callback to how Satan thought he had won when Jesus was crucified. That scene is meant to draw a parallel between Ghidorah and Satan himself, showing that Ghidorah is a being of pure evil and malice, possibly as bad as Satan himself, making it very clear that he is the villain who must be defeated at all costs.

Now as for the movie clearly saying that God doesn’t exist… It’s important to remember that this movie is fiction, and should be taken as such. In the fictional universe of Godzilla, God doesn’t exist. It’s fiction, there’s nothing wrong with God not existing in a fictional world, because it’s not real.

As for the swearing… Yeah I get what you’re saying. There really didn’t need to be that much swearing in this movie. But that’s a problem with many movies nowadays. The most I can say is that, in my opinion, a good story will outweigh swearing, and this movie has a good story. I’ll personally be watching this movie again, it was really good even though it had lots of swearing.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Skrappo, age 24 (USA)
Negative—I agree verbatim with Mr. Sharven’s review of this movie. It was very disrespectful in its language towards the Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. It left me with the feeling that the female scientist who praised the titans would rather sacrifice the lives of humans and place leviathans and company in charge of the Earth.

The scene of the three-headed dragon sitting atop of a volcano opposite of a large crucifix represented Satan challenging the one true savior of the world. Operating in opposition to Almighty God and His son Jesus is a typical defiant Hollywood stance. For all its CGI special effects, I miss the Godzilla of the 1950’s. At least back then Hollywood wasn’t so blatant in their hatred of the one true God.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2½
Denise, age 60 (USA)
Negative—Was hoping it would be a decent remake of a classic, but it turned out to be a PC fest with the Lord’s name being taken in vain as well as other curse words that only cheapened the experience. I would not recommend this for anyone, particularly children. Just another example of Hollywood’s inability to get it right, and use CG and a cinematic sledgehammer to overcome a lousy plot and script.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
Dennis Evers, age 65 (USA)
Negative—Short story (even for lovers of past Godzilla films)—SKIP IT. This story is so laden with purposeful bows to the worst parts of the American culture and a terrible exaggerated overlaid failed-family plot and sheer violence and swearing that I cannot recommend it, even to Godzilla fans. I waited until the end, so I could review it, but I wanted to walk out.

There is not much of Godzilla in this movie, to make matters worse. Then there is the over-the-top cursing. There is a lot of talk, as is common today in movies and nature documentaries, that man should not exist and is a fool who has ruined the environment and should be banished from existence. This is true, of course, except Jesus has paid the price, and the believer will be sent to heaven and the true haters of God will not see eternal life with Christ.

There is nothing redeeming or fun about this latest round of Godzilla. I hate to think what might be next.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2½
Bob Mac, age 70 (USA)
Negative—I have been watching Godzilla movies since the obvious man in a rubber suit days of the subject. I guess that Godzilla, like Frankenstein and so many other movie/book subjects has as it explanation, or moral of the story being, “What happens when fallen man loses his appreciation and fear (awe) of God and acts outside His perfect will.” That message would be both appreciated and appropriate.

Take for example the original movie, “War of the Worlds.” At the end, the clear message, as given by the narrator is, “The Martians had no resistance to the bacteria in our atmosphere to which we have long since become immune. Once they had breathed our air, germs which no longer affect us began to kill them. The end came swiftly. All over the world, their machines began to stop and fall. After all that men could do had failed, the Martians were destroyed and humanity was saved by the littlest things which God, in His wisdom, had put upon this Earth.'

Here, the audience is both uplifted and reminded that God is on the throne and is control of our every day life, despite our sinful nature.

Not so with Godzilla, King of the Monsters. In this movie there is no mention of God, except to include Him in any number of the usual explicit curse phrases. Instead, the issue is that environmental, climate crisis mongers once again tell us that the world, i.e. Mother nature personified, has some how obtained conscious, self-awareness of the existence of man who is an existential threat to her, because we have refused to buy into and take action against climate change. As a result, mother nature finds it necessary to go on the offensive against all mankind into order to “stop the threat.” To do so mother nature will now awaken any number of Titans (monsters) to kill and destroy mankind and his civilization for the purpose of saving herself.

In this case, there are the predictable hyper-liberal characters who because of their enlightened state, realize that by helping awakening these monsters and setting them on cruise-control to destroy whomever regardless, is the greater good for those lucky enough to somehow survive and more importantly for the welfare of the planet. Godzilla, gets cast essentially into the position of an somewhat unwitting deity, whose job, or fate is to balance the equation and help humanity from its own folly. The deity aspect is make obvious when there is a scene showing everyone bowing to Godzilla.

With tens of thousands of English words available, I find it hard to believe that writers and producers think that there is no other way to communicate plot and emotion than to spin a profanity wheel and insert any random curse word into the dialog. The movie provides yet another brain washing for everyone that they need to get serious and fear the end of the world as a result of climate change and try to prevent that end by any means necessary.

Were it not for the language and the complete acquiescence to climate crisis, it would be actually a movie that a Christian parent could justify taking their child to for the simple plot of various make-believe monsters doing battle with otherwise fairly good special effects. As it is several hours of de-briefing, re-education and explanation will be required to undo the baggage of this movie on the mind of your child should you choose to see it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Sheriffjohn316, age 50 (USA)

PLEASE share your observations and insights to be posted here.

Secular Movie Critics
…Legendary Pictures’ “MonsterVerse” hits its stride in Michael Dougherty’s “Godzilla” sequel…
John DeFore, The Hollywood Reporter
…this latest addition to Warner Bros.’ ambitious plans to create a lucrative “Monsterverse” generates more smoke than actual fire…
Brian Lowry, CNN
…“Godzilla: King of the Monsters” is not a good movie. In fact, it’s a pretty terrible one. … [C-]
Chris Nashawaty, Entertainment Weekly
…What little pleasures the movie offers are small and intermittent. Kyle Chandler gets to unleash his inner Shatner by acting intense every moment that he’s on screen…
Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle
…too much human drama, too little kaiju action… it’s emotionally flat… Amazingly, somehow, an overstuffed Godzilla movie feels scant.
Katie Walsh, Tribune News Service
…too touchy-feely… there is endless exposition here… there are simply not enough monster fights. …The whole movie is indistinguishable rubble. [2/4]
Johnny Oleksinski, New York Post
…It’s a film with too much yet somehow so very little…
Benjamin Lee, The Guardian [UK]
…ultimately a Saturday matinee writ large, but that’s nothing to sneeze fire at; countless big, expensive action movies fail at making their way into a viewer’s pleasure center, but this one knows exactly how to be, in the truest sense of the word, sensational…
Alonso Duralde, The Wrap
…stupendous stupidity…
Barry Hertz, The Globe and Mail (Toronto)
…At its best, the film is a rare American blockbuster that paints a wide-ranging picture of humans robbed of agency, reminding us that we’re scarcely masters of our own fate. Which makes it all the more frustrating when “King of the Monsters” sets about undermining the bleakness of that message by reaffirming the traditional blockbuster’s allegiance to human perseverance. …
Jake Coyle, Slant Magazine
…Much of the film’s fun is overrun by a combination of overlong exposition, ham-fisted dialogue, and some genuinely confusing editing…
Marc Savlov, The Austin Chronicle
…Globe-trotting but not adventurous, action-packed but not remotely exciting, utterly overstuffed and completely paper-thin…
Ben Travis,·Empire [UK]
…It’s just filled with a lot of stupid characters who all do stupid things to the point that the “plot” is just some crazy afterthought of nonsense. What a mess. …
Mike Ryan, Uproxx
…“If you’ve seen one ‘Godzilla’ movie, you’ve seen them all” still applies, I kind of hope they choke on the cash from this one…
Roger Moore, Movie Nation