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Answers to frequently asked questions

Video standards | DVD Regions | Other questions | About us | Our Statement of Faith

What is the name of your organization, and who are you?

Our corporate name is Films for Christ. We also operate under the name Christian Answers and Eden Communications. We are an independent, nonprofit, nondenominational, faith ministry. Our interest is in evangelism and discipleship worldwide in many languages. We produced and distributed Christian motion pictures and books for many years.

We began in 1959 and have operated continually ever since, in service to our Lord Jesus Christ. We have a well-earned reputation for reliability.

Video Formats, TV standards and DVD Regions—Can you help me understand them?

These issues are generally only important, if you need to use a DVD outside of North America. If so, read our handy information page. 99% of American video sellers never inform customers about these issues that affect virtually all videos and DVDs sold throughout the world. - GO

List of nations and their TV standards

What if I have other questions?

If you have questions about our productions, use our OFFICE CONTACT FORM. For other questions, see our OTHER CONTACT FORMS.