bondage in the Bible
Hebrew: עֲבֹדָה —transliteration: abodah (occurs 145 times in Scripture) —meaning: labor; the work; service of captives or subjects; servitude; service to God
Hebrew: עַבְדוּת (occurs 3 times in Scripture) —transliteration: abduth —meaning: servitude, bondage
Greek: δουλεύω —transliteration: douleuó (occurs 25 times in Scripture) —meaning: to be a slave; to serve; do service; in bondage (also see: doulos)
Greek: δουλόω —transliteration: douloó —meaning: to enslave; to make a slave of; bring under subjection (the effects of enslavement); reduce to bondage
The people of Israel were in bondage in Egypt (Exodus 2:23, 25; Exo. 5), which is referred to as the “house of bondage” (13:3; 20:2).
This word is also used with reference to their captivity in Babylon (Isaiah 14:3), and the freedom later provided by the Persian King Cyrus (Ezra 9:8-9).
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