What is a
true Biblical Christian
The world’s definitions of the name “Christian” are quite different than the Bible’s. Most worldly people completely misunderstand what makes one a Christian, as defined in God’s Word. Some mistakenly consider all (or most) citizens of Western nations to be Christian. This is certainly not true. Perhaps more surprising, attending a church that has Christian beliefs does not make one a Christian. Nor does membership in such a group. Being a Roman Catholic or a Protestant does not make one a true Christian. Regularly attending church or mass does not make one a true Christian. Calling yourself a “Christian,” wearing a cross, or putting a “sign of the fish” or “Jesus fish” (Ichthys) on your car does not make you a true Christian. There are a vast number of false-Christians in the world—people who identify with Christianity in some way(s), but are not actually part of “the people of God”—true followers of Jesus Christ who are in the Kingdom of God. In fact, all false-Christians are actually followers of Christ’s hate-filled enemy, Satan, the prince of this fallen world. False-Christians may not know this, but it is a fact quite apparent to God.
What is regeneration? Answer
In the Bible, John chapter 3, Jesus told a religious leader, Nicodemus, that he must be born again to have saved and receive eternal life; so you too must be born spiritually into God’s family. That is why you need to invite Jesus to come into your life and to forgive you of your sins.
CONFESS your sins to God, repent and determine to forsake them.
Thank Him for allowing Jesus to take the punishment for your sin by dying on the cross. Ask Jesus to come into your life, to be your Savior and the Lord of your life. Accept His free gift of salvation and thank God for it. Do everything that you can to become a true and strong follower of Jesus Christ.
There are no particular words that you must say to become a child of God, no specific prayer. Basically, it involves believing in Jesus Christ (believing in who He is and what he taught), repentance, confession and giving your life to Him.
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us.”
But, if you would like to talk to God right now and are not sure what to say, here are some suggestions (below), assuming that you truly mean them from your own heart. Otherwise, wait patiently and humbly, and urgently seek God and read the Bible, asking Him to guide you to truth and understanding.
Father God in Heaven, I truly believe in Your Son, Jesus Christ.
I acknowledge that I am a sinner. I know I deserve Your punishment. I confess to having committed these sins: ________________________________________________________
(specifically confess what you have done)
I truly REPENT of my continual sinfulness—my disobedience of your laws. I renounce my evil ways. I am now turning away from my sin-filled life to follow your commands—and live a life of righteousness, good actions, and holiness.
I humbly ask You to forgive my sins, wash me clean and give me a reborn life and save me from punishment in Hell. Only You can save me.
Change me from the selfish person that I have been inside to a person of true love. Help me follow you example.
Give me wisdom and discernment that I may know good from evil, and help me to follow after You with all my heart all the days of my life. I earnestly want to walk in the light of Your truth.
Right now, I place my faith and trust in Your Son Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and I give You my life.
Lord Jesus, I believe that You are God’s only Son, that You died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins and rose again on the third day.
I want to follow You with all my heart. I now present myself as Your servant, and I accept that You are my Master. I humbly submit myself to Your will in every area of my life, and I ask You to make me into the person You want me to be, from this day forward. Make my life a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto You.
Thank You for Your great mercy and grace to me a sinner. I trust You as my Lord and Savior, and I know that when I die, I will spend eternity with You in Heaven. Thank You for Your forgiveness and for Your gift of eternal life that I could never earn.
Fill me with Your Holy Spirit to guide me through Your Word. Help me to trust You daily for all my needs and to rely on Your Spirit to lead me as I seek to live in obedience to You.
I ask You to convict me of whatever sin is in my life, that I might confess it to You as it comes to mind each day, knowing that You have already forgiven me, and that You will never leave me or forsake me. From this day forward, I will live with the peace and assurance that I am Your child.
Lord, I pray that You will show me Your will. Help me to grow in my faith. Lead me to others who can help me to grow, and lead me to Bible-believing fellowship where I can be accurately taught in Your Word.
Show me how my life can be a blessing to others, and give me the courage to tell others about Your saving grace.
I ask You Lord that my entire family will come to know You as Lord and Savior. Please convict their hearts and draw them to You—remove the blinders of our enemy Satan from their eyes. Give me the words to speak as I share with them how I came to know You and how they too can begin a personal relationship with You and spend forever in Your presence.
Help me to faithfully live the life You call me to, and to be a holy example for all the world to see, that they too may believe.
Heavenly Father, I want to love You more each day! Thank You for saving me and receiving me as Your child. Lord Jesus, thank You for dying on the cross to pay for my sins and for giving me eternal life. Holy Spirit, thank You for showing me my need for a Savior and for Your new indwelling presence in my life.
If you have repented of your sins, accepted Christ’s free gift of salvation through his atonement for your sins, and have decided to become a true follower of Jesus, then by God’s grace you have been saved from eternal punishment. The angels are rejoicing. You will one day live with your Creator in paradise!
What is the IDENTITY of a true follower of Christ?
- A true Christian is CHOSEN. We were spiritually dead, in trespasses and sins, unknowingly following the leadership of Satan—focused on selfish wordly desires and lusts and doomed to face God’s wrath and eternal death. BUT, God chose us in Him before the foundation of the world.
- A NEW CREATION—“…if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come” (2 Cor. 5:17). We are not just cleaned up or covered over; we are new.
- SPIRITUALLY ALIVE—He changed us from being spiritually dead to spiritually alive in Christ (Eph. 2:4-5) and a part of the great spiritual Kingdom of God.
- FORGIVEN OF SINS—We are no longer condemned sinners (Romans 8:1). We are free. Our sins are forever forgiven.
- REDEEMED AND RECONCILED—We are redeemed through His blood. We are forever reconciled to God through the cross.
- ACCEPTABLE TO GOD—He bestowed great kindness, grace and love upon us so that we are no longer God’s enemies (Romans 5:10). We are now acceptable to God through Christ.
- SAVED—Satan and all his followers (the vast majority of people on the Earth, past and present) will be judged at the Final Judgment of God and will be cast into utter darkness, separated from God for eternity. True followers of Jesus Christ are saved from this judgment.
- UNMERITED AND UNDESERVED—We did not merit this position or earn it. By grace you have been saved through faith; it is a gift of God, not of our own works, lest anyone should boast.
- We are “the people of God” (1 Peter 2:10; Hebrews 4:9; 11:25).
- NO LONGER ALONE—We are part of the most wonderful family—fellow citizens (Eph. 2:19) of the Kingdom of God with millions of other true followers of Christ.
- A LIVING STONE IN A GREAT STRUCTURE—We are like living stones, each special and irreplaceable—part of a cohesive whole (1 Cor. 12:18), that God is using to build up a spiritual house, with Christ as the chief cornerstone.
- THE CHURCH—The true Christian is part of the body of Christ, His church.
- HOLY SPIRIT INDWELLED—A true Christian has the Holy Spirit of God in residence within, never leaving us or forsaking us.
- ACCESS TO GOD—Through Christ, we are a holy priesthood; we now have access by the Holy Spirit to the Father (Trinity).
- ADOPTED CHILDREN OF GOD—We are adopted as sons and daughters (Gal. 3:26) by Jesus Christ to Himself, the all-powerful and all-knowing Creator of the universe.
- ROYALTY WITH AN INHERITANCE—As adopted children of The King of Kings, we are royalty, and we are guaranteed a rich and glorious inheritance which is sealed by the Holy Spirit.
- HOPE—He gives us true hope; before Christ, we had no hope.
- PEACE—Christ is our peace. Our new self is at peace with God (Romans 5:1).
- ON THE WINNING SIDE—The great battle between darkness and light in our universe and the spiritual realm, will be decisively won by God. We are on the winning side.
- HEAVEN BOUND—We will be gathered together with him in Heaven for all eternity in paradise.
- PRAISER OF GOD—He values our praise for His glory.
- ENLIGHTENMENT AND WISDOM—If we seek spiritual knowledge, wisdom and prudence, He enlightens us and richly provides it.
- DOERS OF GOOD WORKS—We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
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