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If you know you are going to Hell, or if you deny there is any Heaven or Hell, we strongly urge you to consider your situation very carefully. We are convinced that Hella> is a very real place. See why, and learn why you will want to avoid it at all costs. We know the topic is unpleasant, but this issue is much too important to ignore.
Beware, although most people say “yes” or “I think so” when asked “Are you going to Heaven?”, many are sadly incorrect about their ultimate destination. Most believe they qualify for Heaven because of one of the following wrong reasons.
The Bible teaches that no one is good (Romans 3:10). Not you. Not me. Not Mother Teresa. Not the Catholic saints. Not even the Prophets God sent to Earth in centuries past. Only God is good. (Luke 18:18-20) Do you realize that it is impossible for a good, holy, perfect, truthful God to have in His presence anyone who has even made one mistake? Since that is the case, we have a problem: how can we come to live with a Holy God?
Now can you honestly say you’ve never lied—even a “little white lie”? Never stolen—even just a paper clip? Perhaps you’ve never committed adultery in the physical act, but did you know that Jesus said that lusting after someone is the same to God? If you’ve broken even just one law one time, that makes you a lawbreaker. If you will listen, your own conscience will tell you that you are certainly a law breaker. See: Am I good enough for heaven?
Jesus had strong words for the Pharisees of His day. They tried to merit favor with God by acting religious. But Jesus called them “a brood of vipers”. See also Matthew 9:11, 12:39, 16:1-4; Luke 7:39, 18:11.
We have all broken God’s laws and stand guilty before a holy God. Just as a human judge must enforce justice and punish evildoers, God, who is completely just, holy and righteous, must also punish sin. What is the answer?When this life is over, we will each stand before God on Judgment Day and give an account for our life. No matter how good we tried to be, our best efforts will all be as “filthy rags” in God’s sight, that is, if the sin separating us from God has not been removed. God, who is holy and just, and therefore must punish sin, is also loving and merciful and does not want to punish us. To solve this problem, God sent His only Son Jesus Christ as Godincarnate, fully God and fully man, to pay our sin debt for us. The only way to get to Heaven is to put our faith in Jesus Christ. Why is Jesus so important? He is the only one who lived on Earth a sinless life. As fully God and fully man, he was tempted as we are yet was without sin. A fellow sinner could never set you free from God’s judgment by taking your penalty on himself. Only Jesus could qualify to do that. With the sentence of death upon us, 2,000 years ago, God came in the flesh, stepped into our courtroom, and paid our sin debt Himself. Like a compassionate judge giving his own life to save the guilty, Jesus Christ took upon Himself the sins of the world - the just dying for the unjust. This GIFT is absolutely FREE. Like any other true gift, it is not earned or deserved. The gift of eternal life is received by faith. Realizing that we cannot save ourselves, and that we deserve God’s judgment for our sins, we come to Him by faith. With a heart willing to obey God, fully dependent upon Him, we place our faith and trust in Jesus Christ alone for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life.
You can receive the gift of eternal life right now. |
Accept Jesus - I want to accept Christ.
If you don’t know how to accept Christ, see this. The Bible says that “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Repent to God. Read Psalm 51.
If you have trusted in Christ, WELCOME to the family of God! We love you and want God’s very best for your life! May God bless you and your family, and may He use YOU to light your world!
Reject Jesus - I don’t believe any of this. I’m still skeptical.
Rededicate - I’m already a follower of Christ, but I want to rededicate my life.
See our advice for new and growing Christians.
Wait - I have more questions.
How can I be sure of my salvation? Answer
Content on this page provided by Ray Comfort and Films for Christ. Video and screen shots copyright, Double Vision Studios.