What are the Genesis “kinds”? Antwoord
by Dr. Wayne Frair
(Barminology - classification of created organisms)
Can genetic mutations produce positive changes in living
creatures? Antwoord
Are mutations
responsible for evolution from amoeba to man? (evolutionism and the blind
Where did cancer come from? Antwoord
A Christian doctor of
pathology discusses the true nature of cancer and its fascinating
connection to the Edenic curse which followed Adam and Eve's sin.
Kangaroos -
Where do they come from? Why the pouch? Why do they hop? Did they evolve
from some other animal? Antwoord
Did horses evolve from a small fox-like animal? Antwoord
Many textbooks teach that
the horse has evolved from only 61 centimeters to its present state of
over 2 meters over a 60 million year period. But learn what inconsistencies the textbooks don't teach about the horse's evolution.
Why do flightless birds have wings? Antwoord
CHARLES DARWIN - Was he a Christian? Did he believe in God? Did he recant evolutionism when he died? Antwoord
…more answers on the origin of species are coming
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