Reviewed by: Pamela Karpelenia
Moral Rating: | Offensive to Average |
Moviemaking Quality: |
Primary Audience: | Young-Adults Adults |
Genre: | Psychological-Thriller Supernatural-Horror |
Length: | 1 hr. 38 min. |
Year of Release: | 2023 |
USA Release: |
April 14, 2023 (limited—933 theaters) DVD: August 15, 2023 |
Exposing the world to Satan’s agenda
This film has a lot in common with C.S. Lewis’ fictional The Screwtape Letters and was inspired by it—a book which attempts to reveal what Satan is all about using 31 letters written by a senior demon named Screwtape to his nephew, Wormwood (named after a star in the Book of Revelation), a younger and less experienced demon, charged with guiding a man called “the Patient” toward “Our Father Below” (Satan), and away from “the Enemy” (God).
What is a DEMONIAC?
Is is reported that demon possession is growing throughout the world, and is a sign of the times prophecied in the Bible.
Serial murderer/killer
Demon possession as an attempted legal defense for murder
Is everything that a demon says true? Demons are always lying and deceiving by nature. It’s true that we can’t trust what demons say. In the two famous instances when demons spoke in the Gospels, namely the demoniac of Gadarenes (Mark 5:1-20) and the man in the synagogue (Mark 1:23-26), the demons were forced to speak the truth by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Who is SATAN, the enemy of God and all people? Answer
Is Satan A REAL PERSON that influences our world today? Is he affecting you? Answer
SATAN’S STRATEGY—What is one of Satan’s most successful strategies in dealing with followers of Christ? Answer
What are DEVILS and DEMONS in the Bible
What are DEMONS?
DEMON POSSESSION and Influence—Can Christians be demon possessed? In what ways can Satan and his demons influence believers? Answer
Who is Satan, the enemy of God and all people?
About the fall of mankind to worldwide depravity
What is SIN AND WICKEDNESS? Is it just “bad people” that are sinners, or are YOU a sinner? Answer
Are you good enough to get to Heaven? Answer
How can we know there’s a God? Answer
What if the cosmos is all that there is? Answer
If God made everything, who made God? Answer
Is Jesus Christ God? Answer
Have questions about life before birth, or a woman’s choices about pregnancy and abortion? Discover reliable answers.
Featuring |
Sean Patrick Flanery … Nefarious Jordan Belfi … Dr. James Martin James Healy Jr. … Gate Guard See all » |
Director |
Chuck Konzelman Cary Solomon |
Producer |
Believe Entertainment — “God Is Not Dead,” “Unplanned” Steve Deace Lori Cramer See all » |
Distributor | Soli Deo Gloria Releasing |
“Speak of the devil”
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” —Ephesians 6:12
This film addresses the reality of evil and the apathy and false compassion mankind has in regards to evil. Jay Budziszewski, observes that real “compassion ought to make us visit the prisoner, dry out the alcoholic, help the pregnant girl prepare for the baby, and encourage the young homosexual to live chastely. But how much easier it is to forget the prisoner; give the drunk a drink, send the girl to the abortionist, and tell the kid to just give in. False compassion is a great deal less work than true.” “Nefarious,” starring Sean Patrick Flanery (“The Boondock Saints,” “Powder”) as Edward, a convicted serial killer, facing execution. In order to be executed he must be declared mentally competent. Enter Dr. James Martin (Jordan Belfi), a self proclaimed atheist whose predecessor committed suicide after interviewing Edward, who claims to be possessed by demons. This simple plot delivers quite an intricate look into the actuality of evil, sin and the spiritual warfare going dating back to the beginning of time.
The acting of Sean Patrick Flanery is captivating and his performance makes the film. He essentially plays 2 roles, you’ll find yourself having pity for the Edward character at the same time, and despise the Nefarious side of the same character. The support cast, including Glenn Beck, a Mormon, while small, is effective for keeping audience interest and supporting the plot.
What the film got right.
The film does a Biblically accurate job in portraying what evil is and how the world has become indifferent to it, accepting of it and even celebrating it, leaving us with a makeshift, self-created morals paying homage to the god of self. Perfectly exhibiting how the first lie in the garden, plays out the current spiritual warfare. Doubting the word of God will allow you to make yourself out to be god, where we decide good from evil in our own eyes. This lie has influenced great evils throughout our history to this day. The Nefarious character recounts his fall; it all points to something as simple as Satan hates us because God created us in His image.
Now the serpent was more cunning than any animal of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God really said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden’?” The woman said to the serpent, “From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat; but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.’”
The serpent said to the woman, “You certainly will not die! For God knows that on the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will become like God, knowing good and evil.” When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took some of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband with her, and he ate. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves waist coverings. —Genesis 3:1-7
About the fall of mankind to worldwide depravity
What is SIN AND WICKEDNESS? Is it just “bad people” that are sinners, or are YOU a sinner? Answer
Are you good enough to get to Heaven? Answer
What is DEATH? and WHY does it exist? Answer in the Bible
What is the FINAL JUDGMENT? and WHAT do you need to know about it? Answer
What is ETERNAL LIFE? and what does the Bible say about it?
The film does a great job of showing how foolish we are to even think that we can have be truly good without God.
Where the film misses the mark.
The film does convey evilness clearly. However, it doesn’t point people to Jesus. It points people to a sort of a vague theism which is open ended, and may have been the intent. The doctor character has this life-altering encounter with the demon(s) and is shown the truth of sin and his own sinfulness and how demons truly despise humans because we are made in the image of God. How we foolishly have become gods in our own eyes because we turned our back to the truth of God and His Word.
However, after this encounter the doctor actually becomes possessed by the Nefarious, and even after all he experienced he walks away an agnostic of sorts, just trying to do his best to warn people about demons, but with no hope, no salvation. It almost comes off as if the creators of the film didn’t want to appear too Biblical, even though it tackles themes like abortion, end of life euthanasia, sexual morality, Ouija board play and hate speech, Woke nonsense, etc. Emphasizing how slowly giving into temptations over and over and over again, a person can become possessed by those sins. It goes far, but not far enough in pointing people to Christ.
In addition to the adult themes mentioned, there is smoking, the words h*ll and d*mn, and there is an execution shown in detail.
As for recommendation, if you are a Christian this movie has the potential to convict you out of complacency. Spiritual warfare is all around us, every day, all the time, BUT in the midst of darkness. There is The Way, The Truth, The Life, in Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, the Creator of all things visible and invisible. He offers forgiveness of our sins as a free gift through repentance and faith in Him.
See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.
PLEASE share your observations and insights to be posted here.
The entire cast does a good job in their roles; Sean Patrick Flanery and Jordan Belfi are outstanding. Biblical truth is conveyed, personal and societal choices are raised. It has been said the biggest and most successful lie is that the devil and demons do not exist. That is also addressed.
Jesus is not mentioned by name. He is referred to as “the carpenter.’ Would a mocking demon avoid using Christ’s name? Does he react to the potential power and authority? Does he mainly encounter individuals who don’t believe in the possibility of demonic possession? He is, after all, having a conversation with an atheist in an increasingly secular world.
A very effective, thought-provoking film that will hopefully inspire conversations and insight about where you stand in the spiritual war that continues to unfold. Worth seeing.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4