Today’s Prayer Focus
Copyright, Paramount Pictures


also known as “Vaselina,” “Briljantin,” “Brilhantina,” “Briljantina,” “Brillantine,” “Grease (Brillantina),” “Grease - Brillantina,” “Grease: Nos Tempos da Brilhantina,” “Pomáda,” “Pomádé”

Reviewed by: Lynne Dyer

Moral Rating: Offensive
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Young-Adults Adults
Genre: Musical Romance
Length: 1 hr. 50 min.
Year of Release: 1978
USA Release: June 16, 1978 (wide)
DVD: June 23, 1998
Copyright, Paramount Picturesclick photos to ENLARGE
Relevant Issues

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TEMPTATIONS—How can I deal with temptations? Answer

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Sex, Love and Relationships
Learn how to make your love the best it can be. Discover biblical answers to questions about sex, marriage, sexual addictions, and more.
Featuring John TravoltaDanny
Olivia Newton-John … Sandy
Stockard Channing … Rizzo
Jeff Conaway … Kenickie
Barry Pearl … Doody
Michael Tucci … Sonny
Kelly Ward … Putzie
Didi Conn … Frenchie
See all »
Director Randal Kleiser
Producer Paramount Pictures
Robert Stigwood Organization (RSO)
See all »

Thanks to memorable music, hot dancing, and nostalgic costumes, “Grease”, originally released in 1978, still holds the record for the biggest grossing musical film in history. Now digitally re-mastered and released to the big screen again, this film may quickly top its own records.

The movie begins with Danny Zuko (John Travolta) and Sandy Ollson (Olivia Newton-John) saying goodbye as a “perfect” summer romance ends. The plot develops as Sandy unexpectedly enrolls as a new student at Danny’s high school. Instead of the romantic Danny she met at the beach, Sandy finds a tough-talking member of the greaser gang “The T-Birds.” Sandy, a sweet innocent Sandra Dee-type, cannot believe Danny is the same person she met over the summer.

The film progresses through the school year with song, dance, and dialogue. The T-Birds and Pink Ladies enjoy normal teenage activities like building hotrods and dancing. On a more serious side (though still set to music) they also face such decisions as dropping out of high school to get a job and the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy. Through it all, Danny and Sandy must discover how a relationship can work between two seemingly opposite personalities. The anticipated happy ending is achieved by an unexpected plot twist.

On the surface this film seems like lots of fun. We leave the theater singing (and maybe dancing the “Hand Jive”). However, hidden behind great music, we find a film that it is not exactly family viewing. We are subjected to none of the usual nudity (with the exception of a one-second mooning shot) or violence, and only mild profanity, yet the messages which oppose Christian values are clear. The film, aimed at teenagers, glorifies premarital sex, underage drinking and smoking. For this Christian generation, “Grease” may not be the word, because its values are in direct contrast to The Word.

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
“good entertainment for those well-grounded”… I have to agree with the reviewer. “Grease” is a very entertaining movie musical with great music and performances. It also is mild in its content compared to the films of today. However, it does seem to encourage favorable attitudes toward premarital sex, drinking and other activities. Still, I think this is still good entertainment for adults and teens who are well-grounded in the Word.
Kevin Burk, age 27
fun, but glorifies premarital sex… Although the music, dancing, and costumes are a lot of fun, this film is not a hit from a Christian perspective. The movie is aimed at the junior high, high school crowd, yet glorifies premarital sex and drag-racing.
Negative—I am now 57 and was 13 when I watched it. At the time I was enthralled by the positive energy, plots, subplots and fast paced music. Fortunately, the Lord protected me from imbibing its toxic values. Profane lyrics like: • “Look at me I’m Sandra Dee Lousy with virginity” • “Tell me more tell me more did she put up a fight” • “We made out under the dock”

Even then I felt the incongruity of experienced adults acting as teens, playing sexually suggestive roles with their adult physique and gestures, mesmerising teens of that time like no fresh faced teenage actor or actress could. Sadly some in my friends pursued the “Grease” culture to their ruin. Which is what the devil corrupt the young… hence the title song “Greased Lightning”—lightning being the symbol of Satan the fallen angel. How I wish the talented actors, actresses, singers, dancers, scripwriters, and producers could have come up with a version with just the fun but without the depravity.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Colleen, age 57 (Singapore)
“glittering pack of Hollywood lies”… This one was made back in the days when we called the star “John Revolta.” I’ve had the opportunity to see this film on video several times through the years, and I’ve never been able to sit through it! I keep wanting to ask, who’s buying the tickets to see this thing again?!? This is the film your parents warned you about folks! Now it’s your turn to keep your kids from this glittering pack of Hollywood lies.
Tim Blaisdell, age 34
Negative—If you can’t understand all the lyrics in the film, just look them up. “Summer Lovin” and “Greased Lightning” are particularly appalling. Understand that “fun” and “catchy” are ways that Satan uses to drag a Christian down. As a Christian, how can I have any influence on a non-Christian if I am following the same worldly things they are? Not a good film for anyone. Not even a Christian who is grounded. Especially not a Christian who is grounded.

I’m not saying this to be mean, but to make us think about our entertainment choices and our reasoning/excuses for watching/listening to things we shouldn't: Garbage in, garbage out (saw the play in high school and parts of the movie).
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive
Mary, age 53 (USA)
Negative—My wife and I do not allow anyone to watch “Grease” in our house. There are so many issues with the movie. Sexual innuendo are common. Nudity is an underlying theme. There is violence and theft. The main idea is about sex and lying to get it. The music is okay, but everything else is not worth watching.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3½
David, age 52 (USA)
Negative—I have watched this movie and the sequel “Grease 2.” The sequel is better cinematically and has more catchy songs. I remember watching both during my college days in India when I was not yet intimate with the Lord. After watching these movies many kids got into the bike craze. A few were even killed in accidents by riding their bikes too fast or doing wheelies.

From a Christian perspective, I have to agree with the above reviewer—Garbage in, Garbage out.

The Bible tells us not to be confirmed to the ways of the world (Romans 12:2) and that friendship with the world means enmity with God (James 4:4). We should not be carried along with the tide, but test the spirits in every case. The underlying philosophy in both the movies is materialism and self-indulgence—you've got to be cool and have a great car or bike to amount to anything in life. In both the movies the main characters who are good enough to begin with end up compromising their convictions and becoming naughty and worldly to please their romantic partners. Actually it should be the other way around!

Please look beyond the superficial appearances and catchy music into the values being imparted to the world’s youth. Here’s what Stephanie Zinone sings in “Cool Rider” in Grease 2—” I’m looking for a dream in a big machine with HELL in his eyes. I want a DEVIL in skin tight leather. And he’s gonna be wild as the wind.” This is only a small sample.

God wants us to be spiritually rewired and change our tastes if we want to walk closely with him. He has put a NEW song in our mouth (Psalm 40:3). So let us live up to our calling.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Uday, age 52 (India)
“a bad idea the first time and even worse now”… I remember when “Grease” was on HBO years ago and my mom wouldn’t let me see the end… I understand now. I love the music but it has always bugged me that Sandy had to slum even though Denny was willing to step up. I can’t stomach the idea… “Grease” was a bad idea the first time, and it’s even worse now. If you really like that style of music check out “That Thing You Do.” Great music and characters without as much trash.
Colleen, age 26
a “sad message” that Sandy conveys… Twenty years ago when this fun movie was first released, I was a virgin (and proud of it!) but I was also a non-Christian and therefore spiritually ignorant. I was so into the music and dancing that the sexual innuendo went right over my head. I didn’t catch on to it until recently when it was shown on TV for the umpteenth time.

Sitting there watching the movie, smiling, I enjoyed it again. However, I must admit that my eyebrows met my hairline more than once. Another thing I object to is Sandy’s transformation from sweet and wholesome to an image resembling a streetwalker. How sad that Sandy sold out her former sense of morality in a cheap ploy to win over Danny. Not only is this a wrong message to send out to young girls, but in my opinion, it is a very dangerous one as well. Since when is it so wrong to have values and high moral standards?
Sandy Clardy, age 35
“counter to a Christian worldview”… When I first saw this movie, back in high school, I walked out on it! I have never thought it was that great a movie, and its message is indeed counter to a Christian worldview.
Jim Laney, age 36
Comments from young people
Positive—I think “Grease” is a wonderful musical… I love the music and the characters… Yes, there are some things in the movie that shouldn’t be in there… I believe that you can’t pick apart a movie like this—you have to look past certain things, and take this film for what it is. A funloving picture with great musical numbers. I give “Grease” my personal approval of five stars!…
Beth Johannes, age 22
Neutral—I enjoy watching movies, particularly musicals, because you get a story with sound and big musical numbers. My two favorite TV musicals are “Grease” and “Hairspray.” Although I know every dance move, every word, and could probably tell exactly what is going on with my eyes shut, they aren’t the best…to watch. “Grease,” if you aren’t careful, could destroy your values and the things you believe in, like faith, morals and your trust in people; “Hairsharpy” is tamer, but you still lose some values. “Hairspray” teaches an important lesson to treat all people with quality like Tracy (a fat white girl) talks about when she auditions for the Corney Collins show. She wants the black to be treated as if they are white as equals. This stay true the media key of the human dignity.

We, as Christians, whether (Protestant or Catholic), Jewish or non-Christians should still uphold the media key of human dignity. Humans are people, and they should be treated with respect and dignity. Whereas “Grease” is not the best movie for children to watch, because of the teenage pregnancy, drinking and smoking underage and high school/beauty school drop out and lastly change yourself to fit in. Even as adults watching, “Grease” can be damaging to those of us who have faith. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Macey (a Catholic), age 21 (USA)

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