About the
human body in the Bible
The human body is a truly amazing creation of our God, made in His image (Gen. 1:26-27; 9:6).
The body and its parts are mentioned numerous times in the Bible (Matthew 6:22; Romans 8:10; 1 Corinthians 15:25; James 3:2; Deuternonomy 28:4; etc.).
…present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice… ——Romans 12:1 NASB
…the body is not for immorality, but for the Lord… —1 Corinthians 6:13 NASB
For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ. —1 Corinthians 12:12 NASB
…while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord… —2 Corinthians 5:6 NASB
Adam and Eve’s bodies
The body of Adam, the first human, was created by God—formed not from nothing nor from any creature nor from stardust, but from the dust of the Earth ( Genesis2:7).
The body of the Second Adam (Jesus Christ) was also created by God (Hebrews 10:5) and born of a virgin (see: Mary, mother of Jesus).
The body of Eve, the first woman, was made from the body of Adam (one of his ribs) by God (Genesis 2:20-24).
Every other human body has been created by sexual reproduction.
Angels, although they are spirits (Hebrews 1:14), are capable of appearing as if they have a human body (Hebrews 13:2).
Parts of the human body in Scripture
- blood—Leviticus 12:4; etc.
- skin (verses that mention skin
- flesh
- bones
- marrow
- head—see: head dress, head bands, crown, bonnet, diadem, hat, kerchief, mitre
- forehead
- temples ( “Your temples are like a slice of a pomegranate” —Song of Songs 4:3; 6:7 / “she crushed and pierced his temple” —Judg. 5:26)
- brain (not directly named in Scripture, but the “mind” is, as well as thoughts, sleeping, dreaming, wisdom and foolishness—and so is decapitation—severing the brain from the body)
- hair
- locks of hair
- baldness, bald head
- brow —Isaiah 48:4
- face
- eyes
- ears
- nose
- nostrils
- cheeks
- mouth
- tongue
- lips
- teeth
- beard
- neck
- heart
- shoulders
- arms
- joints
- hands
- Left-handedness
- fingers
- palms—Leviticus 14:15; 1 Samuel 5:4; 2 Kings 9:35; Daniel 10:10; Isaiah 49:16; Mark 14:65; Matthew 26:67; Revelation 7:9
- nails (“she shall shave her head and trim her nails” —Deu. 21:12 / “his nails like birds’ claws” —Dan. 4:33)
- lungs are not specifically mentioned, but breathing is
- breasts
- stomach (verses that mention the stomach
- belly
- ribs
- liver (verses that mention the liver)
- bile, a secretion of the liver
- kidneys (“Without mercy He splits my kidneys open” —Job 16:13, all other Scripture mentions of kidneys are those of animals)
- bowels
- loins
womb in the Bible
Have questions about the infant body, life before birth, or a woman’s choices about pregnancy and abortion? Discover reliable answers.
- foreskin
—“thou…hast cast me behind thy back” —1 Kings 14:9; Ezek. 23:35
—“I gave My back to those who strike Me” —Isa. 50:6
—“I will show them My back and not My face” —Jer. 18:17
—“you shall see My back, but My face shall not be seen” —Exo. 33:23
—“they have turned their back to Me and not their face” —Jer. 32:33
—“You have cast all my sins behind Your back” —Isa. 38:17
—“For You will make them turn their back” —Psa. 21:12
—“behold, another one, like a leopard, which had on its back four wings of a bird” —Dan. 7:6
—“a rod for the back of fools” —Prov. 26:3; 10:13
—“stripes for the back of fools” —Prov. 19:29
- thighs
- hip
—“loosen the sackcloth from your hips” —Isa. 20:2 —“his hip joints went slack” —Dan. 5:6 —“daughters will be carried on the nurses’ hip” —Isa. 60:4; 66:12 —“cut off their garments in the middle as far as their hips” —2 Sam. 10:4; 1 Chr. 19:4
—“Therefore, to this day the sons of Israel do not eat the sinew of the hip which is on the socket of the thigh because he touched the socket of Jacob’s thigh in the sinew of the hip.” —Gen. 32:32 - sinews (tendons or ligaments)
- legs
- knees
—“his knees were knocking against each other” —Dan. 5:6
—“she made him sleep on her knee” —Judg. 16:19
- feet
- ankles
- toes
- heels
- soles
More information
- STARDUST—Are humans made of stardust?
- NUDITY—Why are humans supposed to wear clothes?
- Who is ADAM, the first man?
- What was Adam really like?
- Who is EVE, the first woman?
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