Scheppings SuperBibliotheek

See a summary of the Biblical Flood as described in the Bible.

Read the Bible's account of the Flood catastrophe for yourself.

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De Zondvloed

Bedoelt de Bijbel werkelijk dat de zondvloed de GEHELE AARDE bedekte? Antwoord
Could Noah's Flood have been a large, but localized flood? Negen bijbelse bewijzen, dat de zondvloed de hele aarde bedekte.
Vertalingen verkrijgbaar: Engels (English), Frans, Indonesisch, Japans, Portugees, Spaans

Illustration copyrighted, Films for Christ.

Hoeveel mensen overleefden de grootste ramp aller tijden? (Ontdek verbazingwekkende feiten) Antwoord

Hoe kwamen dieren uit de ark naar geïsoleerde plaatsen, zoals Australië? Antwoord
Hoe kunnen we gebeurtenissen verklaren waar verder niets over bekend is, zoals het patroon van migratie van dieren na de zondvloed naar diverse delen van de wereld. Lees meer over de mogelijke verklaringen wat betreft deze interessante vraag.

Waar komen de menselijke rassen vandaan? Antwoord
Volgens de Bijbel, zijn alle mensen afstammelingen van Noach en zijn vrouw, hun drie zonen en hun vrouwen, en voordien van Adam en Eva.
Vertalingen verkrijgbaar: Engels (English), Japans, Spaans

Click to learn about Mrs. Noah. Wie was Mevrouw Noach? Antwoord
Geen brullend holenmens / Een licht in een erg zondige wereld / Getrouwe hulp / Naaste familie / Een moedige vrouw

Is de tuin van Eden nog wel eens gevonden? Antwoord
Many Christians naively assume that the Garden of Eden was located near the modern Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

Hoe hebben vissen de zondvloed overleefd? Antwoord
How could freshwater and saltwater fish cope with changes in salinity?


Background information…
Where did the flood water come from? Antwoord
How could there have been enough water to possibly cover the entire earth?

Where did the flood water go afterwards? Antwoord
If the whole Earth was deeply flooded, where did all that water go after the Flood?

Could Noah's Ark really hold all the animals preserved in the flood? Antwoord
Just how big was Noah's Ark? Learn how how the animals came to the Ark, fit in, and survived the months.
Vertalingen verkrijgbaar: Enels/English, Hungarian, Japans/Japanese, Spaans/Spanish

How did LAND PLANTS survive the Flood? Antwoord

Was there a thick water vapor canopy in the pre-Flood world? Antwoord

Did Noah need oxygen above the mountains? Antwoord
If mountain climbers need oxygen tanks to climb Mount Everest, how were Noah, his family, and the animals able to breathe on the Ark when they were above the mountains?

Is the Black Sea flood the flood of Genesis? Antwoord
Many people have naively accepted the press reports about these claims.

What is "Gopher Wood?" Antwoord
Gopher wood is only mentioned once in the Bible in connection with the construction of the Ark (Genesis 6:14). What is it?

Genesis and ancient Near Eastern stories of Creation and the Flood: an introduction. Antwoord
An up-to-date overview of stories from ancient Mesopotamia regarding the relationship between the early chapters of Genesis and Creation and the Flood.

What does the fossil record teach us about evolution? Antwoord
What do the fossils teach us? Do they demonstrate the progression from simple structures to complex organisms?
Vertalingen verkrijgbaar: Engels/English, Chinese, Frans/French, Spaans/Spanish

Where are all the human fossils? Antwoord
Why don't we find thousands of human fossils if the Flood of Noah is true? What happened to all the people who were not on board Noah's Ark?
Vertalingen verkrijgbaar: Chinese


Does God control the weather? Does He send deadly storms? Antwoord
Are “natural disasters” truly ordained by God, even though they sometimes kill thousands? What does the Bible teach?

Has our atmosphere evolved over time? Antwoord
How should the creationist view the formation of the atmosphere?
Vertalingen verkrijgbaar: Engels/English Spaans/Spanish

Continental Drift

What about continental drift? Have the continents really moved apart? Antwoord
Most people today believe that scientists have proved that continental drift has occurred in the past and still is occurring. But, is this the truth? Convincing evidence may show otherwise.
Vertalingen verkrijgbaar: Engels/English, Japans/Japanese, Spaans/Spanish

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