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Suggested Uses: Sunday schools, schools, VBS (Vacation Bible School), missions, homeschool, youth groups, kid clubs and Bible studies There are lessons here for various ages, including teens and adults. More topics, more reinforcement tools, and new teaching resources are coming. Answers to frequently asked questions:
![]() What is the true meaning of Christmas? |
Christmas Quiz |
Correcting common misconceptions about the Christmas story |
Was Jesus born in a stable? |
The story of Christmas, told from the beginning in Genesis |
What are the statistical odds surrounding Jesus Christ? Statistical probabilities, and what does this indicate about His identity? |
![]() Is Jesus Christ a man, or is he God? |
![]() If Jesus is God, how could he die? If Jesus died on the cross, then how can he be alive today? |
God humbled himself to be born as a human baby and live as a humble man |
Is the biblical Christmas story true? Is Jesus Christ for real? |
What makes the Bible so amazing, special and important? This lesson includes some amazing facts about the Bible, and some of the Bible’s miraculous stories. |
![]() BIBLE ACCURACY—How do we know the Bible is true? The popular delusion that the Bible is full of mistakes is often agreed upon by Christians as well as non-Christians. Learn some of the facts and reasons why this is not the case. |
What’s so new about the New Testament? Some may wonder, how much is really “new” about the New Testament portion of the Christian Bible. Here is a partial list of what is new and improved. |
FOR ADULTS AND TEACHERS: In-depth resources on Creation, Fall, the first family—including scientific evidence and biblical analysis. ![]() |
FIRST: Learn why chronological Bible storytelling is so important and effective - GO |
![]() God’s Story: From Creation to Eternity A complete chronological summary of the Bible, with an emphasis on clearly sharing the Gospel. Starting with an introduction to the Bible, these lesson plans begin with Creation, the first family, the Flood, the origin of Israelite nation, Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, and more. NOTE: This complete God’s Story curriculum can be downloaded on the right, or in sections below. |
Introduction |
![]() Creation The biblical story of Creation of man and woman in original paradise. |
![]() The Garden of Eden The complete illustrated summary of the creation of the Garden of Eden. Describes the Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil, and man and angel’s free will. |
![]() The Fall - The First Sin How Satan deceived Eve, and Adam and Eve both disobeyed God and ate of the forbidden tree. |
![]() Adam and Eve’s Exile from the Garden of Eden After they sinned their eyes were opened and their spirits became dead. They saw that they were naked, and hid from the Lord. The Lord banished Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden. |
![]() The Broken Family of Cain and Abel Why did the first boy kill his brother? An illustrated summary of the story of Cain and Abel. |
![]() Noah and the Great Flood - the story The complete illustrated summary of the Flood in an easy to share form. |
![]() The Tower of Babel The complete summary of the Tower of Babel, the confusion of languages, and the spread man across the world. |
![]() Abraham: A Man of Faith By faith, Abraham left his home and was led by the Lord to the land of his inheritance. |
![]() Abraham and the sacrifice of Isaac Would Abraham be willing to sacrifice his only son? Did God allow this sacrifice? |
![]() Moses: A Man of Faith Would Moses overcome his lack of confidence? A summary of the call of Moses to lead the people of Israel. |
![]() Moses wanted to see God An often overlooked biblical story that illustrates God’s holiness and purity versus human sinfulness. Share the amazing experience of Moses and his great desire to see God. |
![]() Passover and Rescue from Slavery The Israelites spared from the Angel of Death, leaving Egypt, the Crossing of the Red Sea |
![]() God’s Perfect Law The Israelites wandering in the desert, God’s provision, the Ten Commandments. |
![]() Struggle for Faith and Prophecies of Hope Prophets described the coming Messiah years before Jesus’ birth. A short summary of the prophecies. |
![]() The Birth and Call of Jesus John the Baptist called Jesus, “the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world.” Was this true? What does it mean? |
![]() The Ministry of Jesus Jesus performed hundreds of miracles in public places, but many still did not believe. |
![]() The Betrayal of Jesus The summary of the betrayal, crucifixion, and burial of Jesus. |
![]() Resurrection to Eternity Jesus rose from the dead! What does that mean for us? |
Coloring pages: |
The Good News for children The Gospel message explained in terms that children understand / Based on the concept of the Wordless Book. Available in numerous languages. |
![]() Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah! |
![]() Is Jesus Christ a man, or is he God? |
OR |
![]() If Jesus is God, how could he die? If Jesus died on the cross, then how can he be alive today? |
Coloring pages: |
![]() God’s holiness (Want to See God?) An often overlooked biblical story that illustrates God’s holiness and purity versus human sinfulness. Share the amazing experience of Moses and his great desire to see God. |
What does God want us to do? Brief biblical summary of what God requires of us, including belief in Jesus Christ, obedience to His laws and commands, love for God and each other, and humility. |
The Ten Commandments TEXT 1: God created us all, and He has a right to set the rules. What are they? Teach your students God’s Commandments for our lives in an interesting story form. TEXT 2: Show students that all human’s are sinners. God’s golden key for effective evangelism is the Ten Commandments. Use them to bring true conviction of sin. Show that without Christ’s gift of salvation, we are all lost and will be eternally separated from God. |
God as Three in One How can one God be three persons? The doctrine of the Trinity - that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are each equally and eternally the one true God. |
How can I be sure of my salvation? Most Christians believe that salvation cannot be reversed, but how can you be sure that you truly have given your life to Christ and have been saved in the first place? |
![]() How do I know what God’s will is for my life? Most Christians want to do God’s will, but just don’t have any idea what His will might be for them. What should you do to find an answer to this important question? |
FOR ADULTS AND TEACHERS: In-depth resources on God and You—including scientific evidence and biblical analysis. |
![]() Creation - The Story The complete illustrated summary of Creation in an easy to share form. |
![]() All about Adam, the first man Easy to understand lessons on the biblical description of the unique man, Adam. God made the first man from the dust of the Earth. God did not use any existing animal such as an ape. Learning about Adam helps students understand the nature of humanity, the purpose of life, and the plan of salvation. Includes teaching notes and student exercises. |
Did Adam Have a belly button? |
![]() “B is for Bible” Continuation of “A is for Adam.” Adam and Eve, were not made like the animals. It is very important for children to understand that they are not animals. Includes teaching notes and student exercises. |
What is the order of events in the biblical Creation? |
Creation or Evolution - What difference does it make? What difference does it make whether one believes the world was created or evolved? Can’t one embrace Christianity and evolution? |
Origin of the Universe study |
Origin of Life study |
Origin of Species study |
The Fossil Record study |
Origin of the Mankind study |
Age of the Earth study |
How many stars are known to exist? And is every star different? God created the stars and other planets on the fourth day. |
What do you do when your teacher is an evolutionist? |
FOR ADULTS AND TEACHERS: In-depth resources on Creation and Evolution—including scientific evidence and biblical analysis. |
![]() Series: Part 1 The Garden of Eden The complete illustrated summary of the creation of the Garden of Eden. Describes the Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil, and man and angel’s free will. |
Part 2![]() The Fall - The First Sin How Satan deceived Eve, and Adam and Eve both disobeyed God and ate of the forbidden tree. |
Part 3![]() Adam and Eve’s Exile from the Garden of Eden After they sinned their eyes were opened and their spirits became dead. They saw that they were naked, and hid from the Lord. The Lord banished Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden. |
How did bad things come about? The world before the Fall had no death, disease, or suffering, as God proclaimed the finished creation “very good” (Genesis 1:31). |
Did Adam Have a belly button? |
Has the Garden of Eden ever been found? Teach about the significance and magnitude of the worldwide Flood. |
FOR ADULTS AND TEACHERS: In-depth resources on Creation, Fall, the first family—including scientific evidence and biblical analysis. |
![]() The Broken Family of Cain and Abel Why did the first boy kill his brother? An illustrated summary of the story of Cain and Abel. |
Where did Cain get his wife? Explanation of how Cain married his sister. When there was only the first generation, brothers would have had to have married sisters or there would be no more generations! |
FOR ADULTS AND TEACHERS: In-depth resources on Creation, Fall, the first family—including scientific evidence and biblical analysis. |
![]() Noah and the Great Flood - the story The complete illustrated summary of the Flood in an easy to share form. |
Does the Bible claim that the Flood of Noah covered the entire Earth? Could Noah’s Flood have been a large, but localized flood? Learn nine Biblical evidences that the flood was global. |
How many people survived the greatest disaster of all times? |
![]() Just how big was Noah’s Ark? Learn how how the animals came to the Ark, fit in, and survived the months. |
Where did the different races come from? How could all the ethnic people groups come from Noah, his three sons and their wives? Are the differences in the ethnic people groups justifiable reasons to disprove that all ethnicities descended directly from Noah and his family? Learn the truth of the matter. |
![]() Who was Mrs. Noah? What was she like? Learn about this rarely mentioned, but important woman. |
![]() Rainbows—Where do they come from? |
![]() Are dinosaur fossils evidence for the great Flood? |
![]() How did animals get from the Ark to isolated places, such as Australia? This lesson is about how the animals got to the ark, and then after the Flood, how they migrated to all parts of the world. |
FOR ADULTS AND TEACHERS: In-depth resources on Noah and the Flood catastrophe, including scientific evidence and biblical analysis. |
![]() Great Resources for teaching about Creation using dinosaurs |
Are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? Information and Bible verses on dinosaurs talked about int the Bible. |
“D” is for Dinosaur From Answers in Genesis, these catchy teaching tools provide great information for teachers, easy-to-learn rhymes for kids, and coloring pages! Information and Bible verses on dinosaurs talked about in the Bible. |
What is a dinosaur? The word “dinosaur” is often used incorrectly. Lot’s of information on what a dinosaur is, and some of the different classification types. |
How many species of dinosaurs were there? Nobody really knows the answer to this question. Estimates vary widely. We’ve seen figures between 250 and 550 or more. |
Do we really know what dinosaurs looked liked or how they behaved? Explains how putting a dinosaur skeleton together is not easy, and it is impossible to say exactly what one looked like. |
Were the dinosaurs killed by a meteorite? Explain what’s wrong with this theory. |
What were the tyrannosaurs really like? The Tyrannosaurus Rex is often pictured as a horrible killer, attacking every dinosaur in sight. But this may not be true at all. |
Is there any possible connection between dragons and dinosaurs? |
After the Flood what happened to dinosaurs? |
Supplemental Material The Great Alaskan Dinosaur Adventure - Guess what Creation-scientists found? Almost completely UN-fossilized dinosaur bones. We have their story, complete with photographs. Go… |
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FOR ADULTS AND TEACHERS: In-depth resources on the Dinosaurs, including scientific evidence and biblical analysis. |
9 Ideas To Enlarge Your Ministry - Dinosaurs are very popular, with kids and adults alike fascinated with them. Here are some ideas that may encourage you to get involved in educating others about dinosaurs. |
Subtopic: Design in Nature ![]() Leaves - Why Do Leaves Change Colors in Autumn? |
Subtopic: Design in Nature ![]() “C is for Creatures” The day the animals were created, and how Adam named them all. Includes teaching notes and student exercises. |
Ants Lots of Amazing facts about ants, and what they can teach us about life. |
![]() Butterflies and Moths Includes the life cycle of these winged beauties, and some amazing facts about butterflies. Also describes some of the differences between butterflies and moths. |
![]() Kangaroos Where do they come from? Design is evidence of Creator. Why the pouch? Why do they hop? Why we know they did not evolve from some other animal. |
![]() Sloths Design in nature |
Jacana Remarkable design of its feet. Design in nature. |
![]() Has it ever rained frogs or fish or any other strange things? |
![]() Why do flightless birds have wings? |
What has the biggest eyes of any land mammal? Amazing fact, this creatures eyes are so large that they would be equivalent to grapefruit-sized eyes in a human being. A Short reference and description of the primate, the Tarsier. |
Animals of the Bible |
Creature Sounds including: insects, mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles |
Rain forest Pets What kind of pets do rain forest people have? |
FOR ADULTS AND TEACHERS: In-depth resources on the Origin of the Species, including scientific evidence and biblical analysis |
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Biblical guidelines for dating relationships What are the Bible’s principles for dating? How far is too far? If you have already gone too far, why stop? God gives us some very clear principles to guide us in making decisions about dating. |
Why should I save sex for marriage? God created it, and therefore it is reasonable to expect that it is good. But when man distorts it by ignoring God’s specific standards, it becomes harmful and destructive. Also includes the consequences of sexual immorality |
How to gain victory over temptation |
FOR ADULTS AND TEACHERS: In-depth resources on the subject of relationships, including Biblical analysis |
If you do use the above children’s lesson plans, please take a moment to let us know. Our staff enjoys the encouragement of seeing them used well, and it encourages us to do more. Contact us.
A ministry of Films for Christ
URL: ChristianAnswers.Net/kids/lesson-plans.html
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Films for Christ. Click here for publication rights granted. All rights reserved. A not-for-profit organization. Information and graphics contained on this Web site may not be used without permission. Christian Answers, Kid Explorers, ChristianAnswers.Net, Christian Answers Network, and The Great Dinosaur Mystery are operating names of Films for Christ.