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La Biblia


  • Se debe leer Génesis literalmente? respuesta
    Génesis es “el libro de los principios.” No es extrao el porqu hay tanto ataque en la interpretacin “correcta” de Génesis. Cmo lo debe ser interpretado hoy en d'a?

Preguntas comunes

  • Se mencionan los dinosaurios en la Biblia? respuesta
    Te sorprenderas en aprender sobre las posibles descripciones de dinosaurios mencionadas hace mucho tiempo.

Tierra plana

  • La Biblia se refiere a “las cuatro esquinas de la tierra.” Cmo puede una tierra esfrica tener esquinas? respuesta
    Otra explicacin para la polmica frase Bblica , “las cuatro esquinas de la tierra” (con una mirada al Hebreo original y Griego).

Se supone conflictos Biblia/Ciencia

  • Cual es la importancia del reciente apoyo del Papa hacia la evolucin? respuesta
    Un resumen de la reciente declaracin del Papa con perspectivas de respetados lderes Cristianos.

Traducción por Danilo Araya Z.

Common Questions

  • Does God really exist? How can we know? If God made everything, who made God? Answer
  • What if the cosmos is all that there is? Answer
  • How does archaeology conclusively demonstrate the Bible to be reliable and unique among all the holy books of world religions? Answer
  • Click to learn about ADAM, the first man What was Adam, the first man, really like? Answer
    This popular answer is in our children's section, but it's written on a level that adults will enjoy. We've been asked this question often. Here's the answer.
  • Where did Cain get his wife? Answer
    If all human beings are descendents of Adam and Eve, then whom did Cain marry? You'll learn the only explanation to this question and how this could be possible.
  • ORIGIN OF ETHNIC PEOPLE GROUPS—How could all ethnicities come from Noah, his three sons and their wives? Answer
    Are the differences in ethnicities justifiable reasons to disprove that all descended directly from Noah and his family? Learn the truth of the matter.
  • Has the Garden of Eden ever been found? Answer
    Many Christians naively assume that the Garden of Eden was located near the modern Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
  • ORDER OF CREATION—What is the order of events in the biblical Creation? Answer
  • How did bad things come about? Answer
    If the world before the fall had no death or struggle, how can we explain the origin of animal and insect instincts designed to hurt and kill other living organisms? An in-depth study into some possible explanations.
  • Why does God allow innocent people to suffer? Answer
  • Should Christians be concerned about the environment? Answer
    God has given us as humans the responsibility to take care of the earth… but to what extent should we go?
  • Has science disproved the miracles associated with Jesus Christ? Answer
    The creation of the universe, water into wine, the blind and lame healed, walking on the water… Has science disproved these supernatural occurances?

Flat Earth

  • Were the Bible writers “flat earthers”? Answer
    This alleged “mistake” of the Bible has been pointed to for years to help disprove the inerrancy of the Bible.
  • Who invented the flat Earth? Answer
    You may be surprised by the truth.

Supposed Bible/Science Conflicts

  • Creation or Evolution—What difference does it make? Answer
    What difference does it make whether one believes the world was created or evolved? Can't one embrace Christianity and evolution?
  • GALILEO—What were his real scientific and biblical conflicts with the Church? Answer
    Many do not know the truth about the famous conflict between the Roman Catholic Church and this man of science and man of God.
  • Who wrote the first book of the Bible—Genesis? Answer
    Was Genesis compiled from numerous sources, as some scholars say? Are there different authors for various portions of Genesis?
  • How should we interpret Genesis 1-11? Answer
    The first 11 chapters of Genesis have incurred the most criticism from modern scholars, scientists, and sceptics. Is Genesis poetry, parable, prophecy, or truth?
  • What about the “contradictions” between Genesis 1 and 2 and other supposed difficulties? Answer
    Skeptics and seekers alike often point to supposed inconsistencies and contradictions in Genesis. Take a look.
  • Does God expect us to read Genesis 1-11 as a record of authentic historical fact, or is this simply a collection of parable-like stories? Answer
    Fact or fantasy? Is there evidence from within Genesis, and throughout the rest of the Scriptures, that seem to point to the view that Genesis 1-11 is intended to be understood as historical truth?
  • CHARLES DARWIN—Was he a Christian? Did he believe in God? Did he recant evolutionism when he died? Answer
  • Why should any one have to accept ancient hearsay as evidence for the existence of a god? Answer

Age of the Earth and Days of Creation

  • What is the “Gap Theory,” its origin and history? (also called the ruin and reconstruction theory of Genesis 1) Answer
  • Problems with the “Gap Theory”—Is it an acceptable way to harmonize the Bible and the geologic record? Answer
  • “PROGRESSIVE CREATIONISM”—Is it a viable option? Answer
    Progressive creationism is becoming very popular among evangelical Christian. Find out what progressive creationism is and whether it holds the key to harmonizing theology and science.
  • Progressive Creationism—Who is Hugh Ross and what does he teach? Answer
    Many people have heard of Hugh Ross and his ministry and have asked ChristianAnswers.Net about him. The following is a short summary of key teachings.
  • THEISTIC EVOLUTION—Is it biblical? Answer
    Does theistic evolution fit with the Bible? What effects can the adoption of theistic evolution cause for those who believe in it?
  • Is the Bible clear about the age of the earth and universe? Answer
    Did God take billions of years for creation, or was God actually referring to a literal 24-hour time-period in reference to each, individual creation day?
  • 4TH DAY—Was the fourth day of creation twenty-four hours long? Answer
    Creation of the sun, moon, and stars.
  • 6TH DAY—Could all of the events recorded on the 6th day of creation really have taken place during a normal, 24-hour-type day? Answer
    Adam and the naming of the animals.
  • 24-HOUR DAYS—Does the Hebrew text really refer to 24-hour periods in the Creation week? Answer
    What are some of the implications of believing in day-age theories?
  • BIBLICAL IMPORTANCE—Is the age of the Earth a “trivial” doctrinal point? Answer
    Many Christians today fail to see the importance of believing in a literal interpretation of the Genesis Creation account. Don't be fooled—this issue is of great importance to Bible believing Christians, and this answer helps to explain why.
  • MARTIN LUTHER—What was his stand on Creation/Evolution? Answer
    Learn what the beliefs of biblical scholar and Protestant reformer Martin Luther was regarding Creation.

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